PolymerElements / app-route

A modular client-side router

Home Page:https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/articles/routing.html

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Url can't change

SergeShkurko opened this issue · comments


Url can't change automatically

Hello everyone
If location
i see nested tabs i can switch them but location not changing

otherwise if location
and i switch tabs then location is changing normally

<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/app-route/app-route.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/app-route/app-location.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../bower_components/iron-pages/iron-pages.html">

<dom-module id="test2-app">
    <app-location route="{{route}}"></app-location>

    <app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/:tabName" tail="{{subroute}}" data="{{routeData}}"></app-route>
    <app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/tabs" tail="{{tabssubroute}}"></app-route>

    <paper-tabs selected="{{routeData.tabName}}" attr-for-selected="name">
      <paper-tab name="tabs">Tabs</paper-tab>
      <paper-tab name="bar">Bar</paper-tab>
      <paper-tab name="baz">Baz!</paper-tab>

    <iron-pages selected="[[routeData.tabName]]" attr-for-selected="name">
      <div name="tabs">
        <tabs-page route="{{tabssubroute}}"></tabs-page>
      <div name="bar">Bar Page Goes Here</div>
      <div name="baz">Baz Page, the Best One of the Three!</div>
    class ParentTabs extends Polymer.Element {
      static get is() { return 'test2-app'; }

      static get observers() {
        return [

      _routePageChanged(tabName) {
        if (tabName === '') {
          this.set('routeData.tabName', 'tabs')

    window.customElements.define(ParentTabs.is, ParentTabs);

<dom-module id="tabs-page">
      paper-tabs {
        background-color: var(--paper-blue-a100);
    <app-route route="{{route}}" pattern="/:tabName" data="{{routeData}}"></app-route>
    <paper-tabs selected="{{routeData.tabName}}" attr-for-selected="name">
      <paper-tab name="foo">Foo</paper-tab>
      <paper-tab name="bar">Bar</paper-tab>
      <paper-tab name="baz">Baz!</paper-tab>

    <iron-pages selected="[[routeData.tabName]]" attr-for-selected="name">
      <div name="foo">Foo Page</div>
      <div name="bar">Bar Page Goes Here</div>
      <div name="baz">Baz Page, the Best One of the Three!</div>
    class ChildTabs extends Polymer.Element {
      static get is() { return 'tabs-page'; }
      static get properties() {
        return {
          route: Object

      static get observers() {
        return [

      _routePageChanged(tabName) {
        if (tabName === '' || tabName === undefined) {
          this.set('routeData.tabName', 'foo')

    window.customElements.define(ChildTabs.is, ChildTabs);

Expected outcome


  1. http://localhost/tabs/foo
  2. http://localhost/tabs/bar
  3. http://localhost/tabs/buz

Actual outcome


  1. http://localhost/tabs
  2. http://localhost/tabs
  3. http://localhost/tabs

Live Demo


Steps to reproduce

  1. Put a code in the page.
  • Open the page in a web browser.
  1. Click the Tabs tab.
  • Click the Foo child tab (if url /tabs it not change, if url /tabs/ changing normally)

Browsers Affected

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari 9
  • Safari 8
  • Safari 7
  • Edge
  • IE 11
  • IE 10