PolymerElements / app-route

A modular client-side router

Home Page:https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/articles/routing.html

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route is active even if data is "undef"

AnasSahel opened this issue · comments



The app-route active state is true even if the parametrized data is empty.

Imagine those two routes
Route 1 <app-route** pattern="/category"></app-route>
Route 2 <app-route pattern="/category/:id"></app-route>

If the url is http://example.com/category, then the Route 1 is active
If the url is http://example.com/category/1 or even http://example.com/category/, then both routes Route 1 and Route 2 are active.

I think that the router should behave like basic ones. I mean, if the data.id is an empty string, then the route should become inactive (active=false)

@pi4n0zik Matching on an empty string is required for matching a home page. E.g. mywebsite.com/ with pattern /:page should then have page === '' to be able to show a home page.


@TimvdLippe that's correct. However, you can still define a route <app-route pattern="/"></app-route> which matches the home page and another route <app-route pattern="/:page"></app-route> to manage the others.

I need this behavior because I built a kind of a router which fires a "route-active" event with the route/view id so my my-app element can activate the right view.

Thanks for your answers :)