PolyhedralDev / Terra

Voxel world generation modding platform

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature] Alexs caves compatibility

zeid0ne opened this issue · comments


Pre-Request Checklist

  • I have checked that I am on the latest version of Terra.
  • I have searched github for similar features requests, including closed ones, and found none.
  • I believe this is within the scope of Terra.
  • This feature request is for all of Terra, and isn't something that should be implemented by a pack or addon.

Feature Description

Alexs caves biomes generate in a terra world.

What Problem Does This Solve?

I can play Alexs caves with terra

A Solution You'd Like

I dont care if the alexs caves biomes blend is strange

Alternative Solutions

I dont know

Additonal Context

Yes, Alexs Caves is on forge, but i use terra on forge thanks of Sinytra-Connector


didnt see #357, i am closing this so