PolarisSS13 / Polaris

Polaris - A version of Spacestation13, forked from Baystation12.

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Biopsy Scanner broke

ZirconiumWit opened this issue · comments

Brief description of the issue

Couldn't do an autopsy

What you expected to happen

I expected to use the scalpel on an injured deceased person, take a biopsy, and run an autopsy after a fashion.

What actually happened

Biopsy scanner did nothing

Steps to reproduce

Follow autopsy instructions per the surgery page and see if it works?

Additional info:

  • Server Revision: Found using the "Show Server Revision" verb under the OOC tab.
    Server revision: master - 2023-09-12

  • Anything else you may wish to add (Location if it's a mapping issue, etc)

I was helpfully informed it is an intent issue. Confirmed it in my local, closing.