PolarisSS13 / Polaris

Polaris - A version of Spacestation13, forked from Baystation12.

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You are unable to climb up or down lattices using the move upwards/downwards command.

N-Komaeda opened this issue · comments

Brief description of the issue

When using the verb 'move upwards' while standing below a lattice, or the verb 'move downwards' while standing on top of a lattice, you no longer do the respective movement. Instead, you're told that 'You lack means of travel in that direction'.

What you expected to happen

To climb up or down where it is possible.

What actually happened

Apparently I've grown too clumsy to climb since the last update.

Steps to reproduce

Find a lattice that you can climb up or down on, then use the move upwards/downwards command.

Additional info:

  • Server Revision: Found using the "Show Server Revision" verb under the OOC tab.
    master - 2023-08-06
  • Anything else you may wish to add (Location if it's a mapping issue, etc)

Possible due to spacemove/gravity changes in the borg PR, will look into it. Noting that flying borgs can move up and down in open space with the verbs.

Fixed, as of: Server revision: master - 2023-08-15

I'm assuming it's somehow related to #9208 but I am not certain. In any case, closing this.