PolarisSS13 / Polaris

Polaris - A version of Spacestation13, forked from Baystation12.

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Tesh Labcoat spawns invisible/unremovable from backpack

ZirconiumWit opened this issue · comments

Brief description of the issue

I've started playing a teshari doctor, and I've found that the doctor's labcoat forces my character's labcoat into her backpack. This would not be an issue if the labcoat in the backpack were not glitched invisible and sewn into the backpack.

What you expected to happen

the labcoat would be usable and removable from the backpack it was stored in

What actually happened

it was, in fact, neither of those things

Steps to reproduce

Spawn as teshari doctor with a teshari labcoat in loadout. If additional details for the doctor's settings are needed, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Additional info:

  • Server Revision: Found using the "Show Server Revision" verb under the OOC tab.
  • Anything else you may wish to add (Location if it's a mapping issue, etc)
    Server revision: master - 2023-07-09
