Poikilos / EnlivenMinetest

Minetest engine server management tools and ENLIVEN game installer/updater

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automatically resized plantlike textures and paintings (due to the scripted optimization for mobile) don't look as good small.

Poikilos opened this issue · comments

This issue is a separate side effect from the texture resizing that also caused #475 (closed).

This issue covers nodes whereas there are also the following sub-issue(s):

  • #530 (miscolored edges on mobs)

Screenshots e-mailed by Slopsbucket "Re: NeuralNet update" 2022-01-17 11:56 PM ET:

before update to bucket_game snapshot:

after update to bucket_game snapshot:

The textures were "optimized" for mobile (to 32x32) in a recent snapshot of bucket_game. Now it must be decided which ones to "un-optimize". OldCoder said something about possibly making two tiers. However, if it is on a server, you'd probably need to cater to mobile. If there were to be 2 tiers, the solution would have to be using a texture pack in the desktop client, it seems. However, to retain 1 tier, maybe mobile won't be affected much by the increased resolution for plantlike textures. The craftitem and tool textures being large are more of an issue since they create more polygons (See the zoomed-in screenshot in #459), whereas plantlike will always be 8 triangles (2 squares = 4, 4 plus reverse sides = 8) no matter what the resolution.

Whatever server had poor performance could be tested after a patch is created to revert plantlike textures to full resolution.

Note that certain mob texture(s) look better at the new lower resolution: For example, see the "goat mob" note in #530.

bucket_game snapshot 220114 or later uses beautiflowers, so that may resolve the issue. Adding label: needs confirmation

Recommendation: codercore/flowers is still present, so that should be reverted. Players who dislike hd can delete codercore/flowers and those who dislike pixel art can delete coderbuild/beautiflowers. They can also set "load_mod_beautiflowers = false" and/or "load_mod_flowers = false" in world.mt.

I discussed this further with OldCoder April 30, 2022 in IRC: Revert textures in codercore/flowers/textures.

This is fixed in bucket_game snapshot 220501.