PlayForm / Compress

🗜️ Compress —

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Version 2.2.0 broke html-minifier-terser integration

jceb opened this issue · comments

Since version 2.2.0 I can't pass removeAttributeQuotes: false to the HTML minifier anymore like this:

      HTML: {
        removeAttributeQuotes: false,

The issue that triggered my investigation was broken open graph data - service like Twitter wouldn't display my images anymore. Missing attribute quotes were the reason for the issue. I'd therefore also recommend to change the default of astro-compress to not remove attribute quotes anymore.

Hi, since v2.2.0 the option types have been changed to allow for multiple parsers / compressors.

The new option layout is now:

 * @module Option
export default interface Type extends Option {
	 * csso, lightningcss option properties
		| boolean
		| {
				csso?: csso;
				lightningcss?: lightningcss;

	 * html-minifier-terser option properties
		| boolean
		| {
				"html-minifier-terser"?: html_minifier_terser;

	 * sharp option properties
		| boolean
		| {
				"sharp"?: sharp;

	 * terser option properties
		| boolean
		| {
				"terser"?: terser;

	 * svgo option properties
		| boolean
		| {
				"svgo"?: svgo;

	 * Map to different file paths
	Map?: boolean | _Map;

	 * Parsers for different file types
	Parser?: Parser;

since v2.2.2 as per:

To fix your issue try:

	HTML: {
		"html-minifier-terser": {
			removeAttributeQuotes: false,

I would recommend installing a modern editor with autocomplete for TypeScript types such as the VSCode editor, so you can see the suggestions and errors before they happen.



Also installing @astrojs/check and turning on astro check before your build process so that errors are shown in the console if you're using a CI.


Apologies for not announcing breaking changes.

  • Improper semver

Version v2.2.4 will allow for backwards compatibility and proper in-flow of options, meaning you can still pass:

    HTML: {
        removeAttributeQuotes: false

and have it flow properly into the html-minifier-terser minifier.

@NikolaRHristov where can I find v2.2.4? The latest tag on npm points to v2.2.3:

With v2.2.3 the typings want me to define the HTML properties like this:

  HTML: {
    'html-minifier-terser': {
      removeAttributeQuotes: true,

Version v2.2.4 is not released yet. Expect it later today.