PlayForm / Compress

🗜️ Compress —

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astro-compress middleware

kireerik opened this issue · comments

May make on (true) as the default setting in development mode as well for this new feature.

related issue:

Yeah, you can do:

import compress from "astro-compress";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";

export default defineConfig({
	integrations: [
		import.meta.env.MODE === "production" ? compress() : null,

But the integration is not enabled in development it's only turned on "astro:build:done"

Apologies you meant, on. There is currently no way to turn it on in development mode as it served from vite, but there are plans to make it integrate with the new middleware API Expect it in 1.2.0

Yes #76 is confusing for me. Why do @rdwz want to turn it off in development mode when it is not turned on anyway?

It's useful to know that you can turn off an integration like that, but it's not specific to astro-compress

Or maybe they have an environment where import.meta.env.MODE is always development. I don't know if this is affected by process.env

But he writes compress({html: false}) for development, which is currently the same as doing compress({html: true}) or compress(), because for some reason in development, it is basically false regardless for some reason.

Just a preference, I think, but if you put false in any of the options it should not trigger compression for that specific file type.

But even if I put true the compression is still not triggered (in development mode).

Yes, but that is regardless of the development mode, if you put true it will just trigger the compression with the defaults from

Oh, I see so turning it on in development would be a separate feature because in development mode it is not used anyway (right now). So in development mode, it doesn't matter what options are passed.


The current way it works is just runs after build is done over all files.

The new way would be to attach a middleware to an internal function inside astro-compress, so that every request gets served compressed, but the file stays unchanged. I already have it in my backlog it should be done in the next couple of days.

I see. Nice. Can you link that issue in your backlog?

Sure. 😁

So can you link that issue in your backlog?

@kireerik It's already linked, you'll get notified once it's done. 😁 The backlog is my personal task list.
