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Scrolling is a bit janky sometimes

PixelsCommander opened this issue · comments

Scrolling is a bit janky sometimes, could be more smooth. May be interpolation? Should be investigated.

I am keen to help out here but need to know where to begin. ANy pointers. I wana adopt it but want to make sure the scrolling


I ll try to show you a possible way to go for investigating and fixing this.

What we need first of all is to clearly understand why this happening. Is it a small frequency or just some in-library bug?

For investigating this it is nice to put some console.llog into src/gl-context.js onscroll listener and observe does it correlate with visual janks or not.

If the reason for having janks is low onscroll events frequency we may use smooth interpolation from scroll position A to scroll position B instead of switching immediately.

Do not hesitate to ask or ping me in skype lp_funky if needed.

Possible improvement there is to use touch events instead of scrolling events