PixelRick / CyberpunkSaveEditor

A tool to edit Cyberpunk 2077 sav.dat files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature request] Add new entries inside arrays

ryselgh opened this issue · comments

I noticed that you can add entries in structs but only remove them inside arrays.
Is it possible to extend arrays with new entries?
Thank you for your awesome work btw!

That's possible for dynamic arrays. There was an "insert new here" in the context menu at some point in time. I will reintroduce it.
However it will depend on the array element type. Inserting a new handle for instance is unusable without a database of class hierarchy, (a handle is a shared pointer to a base class or interface).

Yes I thought about fixed arrays that would break the savegame, but there are some arrays that are clearly dynamic comparing multiple savegames. Maybe you can add a disclaimer about adding entries that would break the save if not knowing what you're doing

Available in the release v0.5.3-alpha. Please confirm that it is to your liking.

Actually what I mean is those elements in the appearence customization section:


I can assure you that the size is different between different savegames and would be extremely useful to add new elements inside those array.

I disabled adding/removing explicitly from this array until I knew better. I am going to enable it but the fact that the cnames are unknown may be a problem for users. (I see that the "remove" should have been disabled but wasn't)

It's not necessary to know exactly cnames hashes, as users can reference them by comparing two savegames and add (or remove) appearence features to their character just by copying them from other saves as they are.
I can confirm that they are kind of unique IDs for those features. I managed to almost fully change my character gender by copying each cname and property values.

Forced push to fix a typo.

Tested and works perfectly, thanks!