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Figure out what "Implicit and explicit return, e.g. `0` vs `return $result`" means

gabikeane opened this issue · comments

I don't know what the context of this question is (I suspect XQuery), but in general a '0' return code is a magic number, meaning a number that has a meaning behind it that is known to the original developers and other programmers/users of the software. '0' usually means finished with no errors. 'return $result' means give back the value of whatever the variable result points to.

@rhdekker The issue came up because in some brief notes from an XQuery (good guess!) session we found the line in question. My guess is that it might be a reference to implicit vs explicit for structures. In XQuery, we can count the speakers in each act of play in a FLWOR:

for $act in $acts
return count($act/descendant::speaker)

or with a single line of XPath


The FLWOR has an explicit for and an explicit return, but the XPath returns the same results because path expressions always return sequences.

I’ve written to Leif-Jöran (who prepared the original teaching notes) for clarification, but he hasn’t responded yet. If the preceding sounds credible, I'll write it into the tutorial as a clarification.

@djbpitt Can you point me to the file in the Github repository were I can see the original notes? I would have guessed that Leif-Jöran would have written implicit versus explicit for instead of return value in that case. I also don't see how '0' or 'return $result' makes sense in for loop versus path query. The different loops are interesting nonetheless. It would not hurt to add it to the material either way.

@rhdekker The cryptic original is at line 22 of a538d22#diff-af4662120513661efb398e1af4eccfbaL22