PiotrMachowski / Home-Assistant-Taskbar-Menu

This application is a simple Home Assistant client for Windows. It can display Lovelace views, control entities and show persistent notifications.

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Feature ideas

mateuszdrab opened this issue · comments

Hey Piotr

Thanks for creating the app, I used to use another app from https://github.com/mrvnklm/ but the project died it seems and it had memory leaks, freeze issues.

My first impressions when I set this app up are really good, but I miss some specific behaviors of the previous solution like:

[x] being able to close the hass popup window when clicking the taskbar icon
[x] being able to close the hass popup window when clicking outside of it on the screen
[x] invoking it via a system hotkey

I'd like to propose to add:
[x] retarget to 4.8
[x] invoking the entity search window via a system hotkey
[x] auto dark theme based on system setting
[x] additional popups in the settings window should show as dialog boxes and show up in the same location as the setting window (currently those pop up somewhere else on my screen).

I'll try to add some features myself, however I'll need to upgrade the .Net target framework - what are your thoughts on that?
4.6.1 is currently unsupported (I'd propose 4.6.2 or 4.8)

Hi Mateusz!

Thank you for your suggestions. I think that migration to 4.8 is a way to go, CefSharp also really needs to be updated. I don't have much experience with .Net apps, so I tried my best with lowest effort possible 😉

I have a lot of other repos that need to be maintained and my own HA installation basically begs for some attention, so my availability is greatly reduced.

No worries, I have managed to get it to compile on my side but I had some output folder configuration issues.

I've already fixed the dialogbox issue so will try to put in the other fixes and create a PR.

I have a lot of other repos that need to be maintained and my own HA installation basically begs for some attention, so my availability is greatly reduced.

I know that feeling, in my case is my HASS installation plus the entirety of my home lab screaming for attention left, right and center

@PiotrMachowski Alright, had a nice evening reminding myself how I love C# - too bad I don't do this on daily basis.

I've implemented the changes I proposed - will test it out now (in production 😉).

Hey buddy, so the auto theme switching needs some work.
I noticed it also tends to disconnect from HASS and needs a reconnect - I wonder if this could be streamlined/automated.

What needs to be done with theme switching?

I have already made some attempts to fix issue with disconnections, but without any great success :/ I might need to change websockets library

What needs to be done with theme switching?

I have already made some attempts to fix issue with disconnections, but without any great success :/ I might need to change websockets library

So whilst the auto theme option seems to work, it doesn't seem to always switch when the OS switches - but it did work when I first implemented it.

Did you manage to compile this forkyourself?

No, I haven't had time to do it so far