PiiXiieeS / forge-text-analytics

A Forge application that uses the IBM Watson Natural Language Processing APIs for text analytics on Confluence documents.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Forge Text Analytics

This project contains a Forge app written in Javascript that uses the IBM Watson Natural Language Processing APIs for text analytics on Confluence documents.

The app includes four modules:

  • Confluence Macro for Concepts

    • Shows the high-level concepts in the content, it's relevance to the document, and a link to the DBpedia resource on the concept
    • Concepts Macro
  • Confluence Macro for Keywords

    • Shows the important keywords in the content, it's relevance to the document, a sentiment score (positive, neutral, negative), and the emotion associated with the keyword in the content (sadness, joy, fear, disgust, anger)
    • Keywords Macro
  • Confluence Context Menu

    • Shows the analysis of the emotional and language tones of the selected text
    • Context Menu
    • Menu Dialog
  • Confluence Content Action

    • Shows the analysis of the emotional and language tones of the document
    • Content Action
    • Action Modal



The project uses the following APIs:

  • IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding
  • IBM Watson Tone Analyzer
  • Confluence REST API

Environment Variables

Set environment variables for API keys:

$ forge variables:set --encrypt NLU_API_KEY <Your API key>
$ forge variables:set --encrypt TA_API_KEY <Your API key>


See Set up Forge for instructions to get set up.

Quick start

  • Modify your app by editing the src/index.jsx file.

  • Build and deploy your app by running:

forge deploy
  • Install your app in an Atlassian site by running:
forge install
  • Develop your app by running forge tunnel to proxy invocations locally:
forge tunnel


  • Use the forge deploy command when you want to persist code changes.
  • Use the forge install command when you want to install the app on a new site.
  • Once the app is installed on a site, the site picks up the new app changes you deploy without needing to rerun the install command.


See developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/ for documentation and tutorials explaining Forge.


See Get help for how to get help and provide feedback.


A Forge application that uses the IBM Watson Natural Language Processing APIs for text analytics on Confluence documents.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%