PietroMB / starfinder-ship-builder

Online ship builder for Paizo Inc's Starfinder RPG

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Starfinder RPG Ship Builder

A single-page web app for building starships for the Starfinder RPG, by Paizo Inc.

Production and Development Modes

For development, work on the base folder. Run grunt watch to compile in dev mode. Run grunt to compile once for production deployment.

When ready to deploy, run Grunt. Minified files will appear in the app folder. Just copy this folder to the server.

To use Vue.js browser extension (dev mode) add this script towards end of index.php:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>

For production, use:

<script src="vendor/vue/vue.min.js"></script>

Dependencies: Sass

Run sass to compile CSS. Sass is not included in Grunt watch; I didn't think styles would change that much. May need to create /css folder manually. To install sass, make sure Ruby is installed, then:

gem install sass

Note that I tried npm install -g sass, but this causes an error. Then, to run sass:

sass --watch sass:css --style compressed

Dependencies: vue.js and clipboard.js

Set up these files:


Visit respective vendor sites to get files.

Might also need to copy vendor folder into app.


SVGs are embedded, so no probs. Might need to copy /img to /app

File structure

Expected file structure of /app



A few things to note:

  • If building sample ships using the ship builder, output from the ship builder should go in the params property in the JSON file. E.g.:

    { "id": "inheritorworks-shieldcraft", "src": "pact", "name": "Inheritorworks Shieldcraft", "tier": "8", "params": { // ship builder output goes here } }


Online ship builder for Paizo Inc's Starfinder RPG


Language:JavaScript 41.5%Language:HTML 33.1%Language:SCSS 17.9%Language:PHP 7.5%