Pierre-Sassoulas / django-survey

A django survey app that can export results as CSV or PDF using your native language.

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InterfaceError after submitting the survey

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Hello! Thank you for creating this beautiful app. I encountered
InterfaceError(Error binding parameter 0 - probably unsupported type.) in python3.6/site packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3 /operations.py, line 144, in _quote_params_for_last_executed_quer
every time I submitted the survey. I'm not sure if is a bug of the package or it is related to my DB setting. Although the error occurs, the submitted form is stored and I can access it through admin.

It look like a sqlite error. I never encountered it. Did you change the database manually ? I would look at the output of python manage.py migrate or maybe dump everything from the database, starting from a new one with syncdb and then loading back with loaddata.

Seems the UUID is not resolving as a string in the database query.

It look like a sqlite error. I never encountered it. Did you change the database manually ? I would look at the output of python manage.py migrate or maybe dump everything from the database, starting from a new one with syncdb and then loading back with loaddata.

Thank you for replying! No, I did not change the database. In fact, I create a project that only contains this app and only copy and paste the code in the instruction to import it. I try on my own computer and my uni server, both encounter this problem. The output of python manage.py migrate says "No migrations to apply"

Seems the UUID is not resolving as a string in the database query.

I see. Thank you for answering!

I'm going to release a new version with @neilmillard bug fix, in the meantime you can apply it to your local code ;)

I'm going to release a new version with @neilmillard bug fix, in the meantime you can apply it to your local code ;)

Thank you so much! :)

I just released 1.3.24, sorry for the delay.