PhoebusSi / Alpaca-CoT

We unified the interfaces of instruction-tuning data (e.g., CoT data), multiple LLMs and parameter-efficient methods (e.g., lora, p-tuning) together for easy use. We welcome open-source enthusiasts to initiate any meaningful PR on this repo and integrate as many LLM related technologies as possible. 我们打造了方便研究人员上手和使用大模型等微调平台,我们欢迎开源爱好者发起任何有意义的pr!

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chatglm6b finetune时使用instruction模板,serve.py推理中无模板

ykk648 opened this issue · comments

  1. chatglm6b的finetune是否需要套用blow is .....instruction...的模板?
  2. serve.py推理中为什么无模板?
  3. 训练时loss下降明显,测试时加载lora与不加载模型输出完全一致,使用本repo+ADgen数据集
  4. 测试新开的saved-chatglm6b-CoT_Chinese与原模型测不出区别