stroiman / JsonFSharp

JSON parser written specifically for F#

Repository from Github https://github.comstroiman/JsonFSharpRepository from Github https://github.comstroiman/JsonFSharp

JsonFSharp - Another json parser for F#

This library provides a json parser that specifically targets the F# programming language.

This is currently in alpha stage. This library was created because I needed the functionality for a different project, and I wasn't happy with the alternatives. The current state of this project does most of what I need right now, but if you find this to be helpful and require new features, let me know, and I will try to get the time to add that.

Also note that I haven't given the grouping of functions and types into modules much thought, so the placement and naming of functions is subject to change.


The parser specifically targets F# by generating discriminated union types:

type JsonValue =
    | JsonString of string
    | JsonNumber of double
    | JsonBool of bool
    | JsonNull
    | JsonArray of JsonValue list
    | JsonObject of Map<string,JsonValue>

The parser can handle either string or stream input

let resultFromString =
    |> JsonInput.fromString 
    |> parse

let resultFromStream =
    |> JsonInput.fromStream
    |> parse

The result is a Result<'TSuccess,'TFailure>, so the parser follows the railway oriented style:

Converting to F# record types

The parser can also convert the parsed JsonValue to an F# record type. This is currently not complete.

type Person = {
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    age: int }

    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "age": 42 }"""
|> JsonInput.FromString
|> parse
>>= toInstance<Person>

This will instantiate a Person record from the json. (The >>= operator unwraps the Result<,> type from the parse function, and calls toInstance if the parsing succeeded)

Again, this returns a Result<,> type

If the json object does not contain values for all fields, or if some values cannot be converted to the correct type (e.g. if age had been a string in the json), a Failure will be returned. No Failure is returned if there are 'too many' values in the json, as long as all the record members can be evaluated.

The record construction supports records (no classes)*, arrays, option values, F# tuples from json arrays, maps of strings, and simple types. But no discriminated unions.

Map deserialization example

type FooType = { foo : int; }
type ParentTypeWithMap = {
        children: Map<string,FooType>
"""{ "children": {
       "a" : { "foo": 42 },
       "b" : { "foo": 43 } } }"""
|> JsonInput.FromString
|> parse
>>= toInstance<ParentTypeWithMap>

It serializes the children collection into a map with the keys "a" and "b".

Tuple deserialization exampel

type FooType = int * int * string
type ParentTypeWithTupleArray = {
        Children: FooType list
"""{ "children": [
	[3,4,"bar"]] """
|> JsonInput.FromString
|> parse
>>= toInstance<ParentTypeWithTupleArray>

* The record construction simply uses reflection to find a single constructor and retrieve all the required parameters from the json data. So if you have a class with a single argument, and all necessary data is passed through the constructor, I think that would work as well. But it's not supported, and not a priority.


JSON parser written specifically for F#

License:MIT License


Language:F# 95.1%Language:Ruby 4.3%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Batchfile 0.1%