PerlDancer / dancer2-session-memcached

Dancer 2 session storage with Memcached

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session_duration not used in set

rdfield opened this issue · comments

When using the setting session_duration in the environment file it isn't being passed through to the Cache::Memcached->set when the flush method is called.

Example environment settings:

cookie_name: dancer2_cookie
is_http_only: 1
is_secure: 1
session_duration: 3600

When SessionFactory calls _flush in Dancer2::Session::Memcached it only supplies the key and value. When the Dancer2:Session::Memcached object is created $self->session_duration is set correctly, but it isn't used.

Adding an extra line that appends the exptime parameter to the $self->memcached->set(@) call makes sure the session expires at the right time, e.g.

sub _flush {
    my ($self) = shift;

    croak "Memcache cluster unreachable _flush"
        if $self->fatal_cluster_unreachable && not keys %{$self->_memcached->stats(['misc'])};

    # append session_duration if set
    push @_, $self->session_duration if $self->session_duration and $#_ < 2; 

    return $self->_memcached->set( @_ );