PerlDancer / Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-Database

Dancer2::Plugin::Database provider for Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible

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Test failure with Windows and SQLite

racke opened this issue · comments



Output from 'C:\strawberry160\c\bin\dmake.exe test':

C:\strawberry160\perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/*.t
# Testing Dancer2::Plugin::Auth::Extensible::Provider::Database 0.600, Perl 5.016000, C:\strawberry160\perl\bin\perl.exe
t/00-load.t ................... ok
t/manifest.t .................. skipped: Author tests not required for installation
DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near ",": syntax error at t/plugin-provider-database.t line 26.
DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near ",": syntax error at t/plugin-provider-database.t line 26.
DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near ",": syntax error at t/plugin-provider-database.t line 26.
DBD::SQLite::db do failed: near ",": syntax error at t/plugin-provider-database.t line 30.

#   Failed test 'Login with real details succeeds'
#   at C:\strawberry160\cpan\build\Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-0.600-edGt3V/blib/lib/Dancer2/Plugin/Auth/Extensible/ line 177.
#          got: '401'
#     expected: '302'
# [
#   {
#     'formatted' => '[TestApp:1656] debug @2016-06-01 21:32:09> Attempting to authenticate dave against realm config1 in C:\\strawberry160\\cpan\\build\\Dancer2-0.200000-hKOqNH/blib/lib/Dancer2/Core/ l. 836
# ',
#     'level' => 'debug',
#     'message' => 'Attempting to authenticate dave against realm config1'
#   },
#   {
#     'formatted' => '[TestApp:1656] debug @2016-06-01 21:32:09> No such user dave in C:\\strawberry160\\cpan\\build\\Dancer2-0.200000-hKOqNH/blib/lib/Dancer2/Core/ l. 836
# ',
#     'level' => 'debug',
#     'message' => 'No such user dave'
#   },
#   {
#     'formatted' => '[TestApp:1656] debug @2016-06-01 21:32:09> Attempting to authenticate dave against realm config2 in C:\\strawberry160\\cpan\\build\\Dancer2-0.200000-hKOqNH/blib/lib/Dancer2/Core/ l. 836
# ',
#     'level' => 'debug',
#     'message' => 'Attempting to authenticate dave against realm config2'
#   },
#   {
#     'formatted' => '[TestApp:1656] debug @2016-06-01 21:32:09> No such user dave in C:\\strawberry160\\cpan\\build\\Dancer2-0.200000-hKOqNH/blib/lib/Dancer2/Core/ l. 836
# ',
#     'level' => 'debug',
#     'message' => 'No such user dave'
#   }
# ]