PerBothner / DomTerm

DOM/JavaScript-based terminal-emulator/console

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Cannot run domterm on macos

bentxt opened this issue · comments

I try another take on domterm on mac os x. Here is what I've done

  • install everything according the website under Macos
  • ./configure && make
  • run ./bin/domterm

What happened:

  • the first time I've run ./bin/domterm there was an error about missing
  • since then ./bin/domterm doesn't run anymore, nothing happens, even ./bin/domterm --help doesnt return anything
  • then by accident I've opened Chrome and a few minutes after I just tried ./bin/domterm one more time. Now something happened: a white empty chrome window opens. The html source is not empty thought and the url is http://localhost:49260/no-frames.html#session-number=1&server-key=...

I also have a fresh under ../ so the tree looks like

ls ../

and I can open electron manually with ./ &

but ./bin/domterm results in nothing (no error, no log entry, nothing ....)

"since then ./bin/domterm doesn't run anymore, nothing happens, even ./bin/domterm --help doesnt return anything"

When things get messed up, sometimes you have to manually kill the background domterm process. Try ps ax|grep domterm|grep -v grep and kill (if need be kill -9) the listed processes.

Does DomTerm work if you use a regular browser instead of Electron? E.g. ./bin/domterm --browser or ./bin/domterm --firefox.

I'm thinking of buying a used MacBook so I can test on Mac. Any recommendations for minimum os/hardware versions?

When it comes to finding Electron, first do:

./bin/domterm status

Find the filename following Reading settings from:

In that file (create it if necessary) add the line:


where /FULL_PATH is the directory containing

just to report back

show the status

 ./bin/domterm status
DomTerm version 2.1.0 (git describe: 2.1-21-gd67794e)
Copyright 2020 Per Bothner and others
Using Libwebsockets 3.2.0
Reading settings from: /Users/bkb/.domterm/settings.ini
Backend command socket: /Users/bkb/.domterm/default.socket
session#: 1, pid: -1, tty: /dev/ttys012

kill all domterm processes
~/l/d/DomTerm> pkill domterm

show domterm status

 ./bin/domterm status
(no domterm sessions or server)

show domterm settings

 cat ~/.domterm/settings.ini
frontend.default = electron;chrome
command.firefox = /Applications/
command.electron = /Users/bkb/local/domterm/ = "/Applications/Google Chrome"

"Prove" that my settings look ok


 ls ../

ls /Users/bkb/local/domterm/

reset the ~/.domterm directory

cp ~/.domterm/settings.ini .
[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> rm -rf ~/.domterm/
[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> mkdir -p ~/.domterm
[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> cp settings.ini  ~/.domterm/

try to run domterm without success

[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> ./bin/domterm status
[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> (no output)

domterm process is no running in the background

 pgrep domterm
[I] bkb@skyfall ~/l/d/DomTerm> (no output)


When things get messed up, sometimes you have to manually kill the background domterm process. Try ps ax|grep domterm|grep -v grep and kill (if need be kill -9) the listed processes.

For that matter I use: pgrep and pkill

Does DomTerm work if you use a regular browser instead of Electron? E.g. ./bin/domterm --browser or ./bin/domterm --firefox.

Unfortunately no, nothing happens and the output of status is always:

/bin/domterm status
DomTerm version 2.1.0 (git describe: 2.1-21-gd67794e)
Copyright 2020 Per Bothner and others
Using Libwebsockets 3.2.0
Reading settings from: /Users/bkb/.domterm/settings.ini
(no domterm sessions or server)

I'm thinking of buying a used MacBook so I can test on Mac. Any recommendations for minimum os/hardware versions?

Here is what I use as my everyday machine:
MacBook Air (13-inch, Early 2015)
It runs ok

I added a --verbose option that reports some of what is going on. It works best with the --no-daemonize option. A second --verbose adds even more detail. If you run

bin/domterm --no-daemonize --verbose --verbose

that may give us some clues.

./bin/domterm --no-daemonize --verbose --chrome

Reading settings file: /Users/bkb/.domterm/settings.ini
connecting to server socket '/Users/bkb/.domterm/default.socket': No such file or directory
creating server socket: '/Users/bkb/.domterm/default.socket'
starting frontend command: "/Applications/Google Chrome" 'file:///Users/bkb/.domterm/default.html#session-number=1'

which again results in a blank page on chrome, so this doesn't yield new insights for me. But what I noticed, that no urls can resolved. So for example 'http://localhost:54195/hlib/domterm-client.js' results in a 404 page

Puzzling. For what it's worth, on my laptop:

[~]1092$ ls -l /home/bothner/.domterm/default.socket
srw-------. 1 bothner bothner 0 Jan 25 08:18 /home/bothner/.domterm/default.socket
[~]1093$ cat /home/bothner/.domterm/default.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var DomTerm_server_key = 'h8X9SA0g9HknbP8hIR5W';
var newloc = 'http://localhost:33467/no-frames.html' + location.hash;
newloc += (newloc.indexOf('#') >= 0 ? '&' : '#')+'server-key=' + DomTerm_server_key;

"But what I noticed, that no urls can resolved."

Hm. That seems like a good clue, though not sure how to track it down.

What is the version of libwebsockets - on mine it is 3.2.0. You could try building libwebsockets from source (as described in the manual).

I have decided to order a used MacBook Pro, but it will be a few weeks. (I want to order it so it is likely to arrive when we're not out of town.)

Sorry I just saw, that I've missed the second --verbose. If the url gets requested here is the output

http request: /hlib/browserkeymap.js
http request: /hlib/commands.js
http request: /hlib/wcwidth.js
http request: /hlib/FileSaver.js
http request: /hlib/ResizeSensor.js
http request: /hlib/jquery.min.js
http request: /hlib/goldenlayout.js
http request: /hlib/domterm-layout.js
http request: /hlib/domterm-menus.js
http request: /hlib/qwebchannel.js
http request: /hlib/jsMenus.js
http request: /hlib/screenfull.js
http request: /hlib/domterm-client.js

Adding --enable-compiled-in-resources to the configure command would be worth a try - but it seems to be broken right now. More soon ....

I need a little more context. What should be different with this configuration? I could build it, but I see no difference during runtime.

This might be helpful: a --debug switch that would result in printing out the webroot.

Sorry I was unclear - --enable-compiled-in-resources was broken until 5 minutes ago. I'm still working on related issues, but it works for me now (though not in conjunction with --with-closure_compiler which I'm still working on).

"What should be different with this configuration?"

Note you have to do a git pull and start over (including autoreconfig -i). If using --enable-compiled-in-resources then the .js and .css are compiled into the domterm executable (in the generated file lws-term/resources.c) instead of from domterm.js. This uses different functions in libwebsockets so might be more likely to work.

"This might be helpful: a --debug switch that would result in printing out the webroot."

I added some more output to the --verbose option.

Looking into integrating the --verbose output with the libwebsockets logging framework.

omg it (mostly[1]) runs
wow and finally I even have inline images, so cool!

It smoothly runs a terminal inside neovim whichs run in a fish shell inside tmux :-)


[1]: domterm html crashes (json parse fail), but I might open a new issue for this


Slightly off-topic: DomTerm has a lot of tmux's functionality builtin. Is there something in particular you're missing?

domterm status doesn't work for the same reason as domterm html doesn't work - see issue #66

I'll close this, in favor of more specific issues (like issue #66).