PecanProject / pecan

The Predictive Ecosystem Analyzer (PEcAn) is an integrated ecological bioinformatics toolbox.


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Aariq opened this issue · comments

The contents of CONTRIBUTING is mostly generic about getting started with git and github. This should contain things like:

Maybe that stuff is supposed to be in this link, but it's broken.

- [Development help](

💯 agree this all needs to be documented and made much more clear, both for onboarding and as a checklist / standard operating procedure for the rest of us. FYI I think that broken link could probably be updated to

Updated the link in #3099

A tool that helps you figure out if your is good:

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hey @mdietze is this still open ? I would like to solve this issue .

@sambhavnoobcoder any update on the current status of your work ?

had a draft pr up and ready , but haven't completed it yet due to other tasks , I'll upload the draft pr if required , else if I am able to get the work done quickly , I'll upload the entire pr only .

Can you provide a timeline of when can we expect a complete PR @sambhavnoobcoder ?