Pautrik / AgileProductivity

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A website for project and time schedule management.

Setting up project with pre-built resources

Clone this repository and navigate to the directory called pre-built found within the root of the project.

To host the the effectively website one needs to have the following programs installed:

  • Java Runtime Environment (version 11 or above)
  • PostgreSQL (version 11.7 or above)
  • Nginx (or any other web server capable to host static files and proxy specific routes to a different origin)


The backend server requires a postgreSQL database to function. The setup of the database will vary depending depending on what OS you're running on. For installation on Windows you can follow this tutorial. For mac and for other POSIX based system you'll just have to google for it.

The database is required to have the name 'kangaroo' and the user of the database needs to have the name 'pguser' and a password of your own choosing.

To actually setup the required tables and triggers, run the command psql -f Database\ setup.txt kangaroo pguser.


To start the backend run the command ./backend-1.0/bin/backend if you're on MAC OS or linux and .\backend-1.0\bin\backend.bat if you're running Windows.

The password needed for the backend to connect to database can either be passed in as a command line argument (i.e. ./backend-1.0/bin/backend password or .\backend-1.0\bin\backend.bat password). If no password is passed in, then the program will ask you to enter it.

The backend should now be able to serve API calls on localhost:8000


Now that you got the backend up and running we need to setup Nginx to handle the serving of the static frontend files and the proxying of the API related routes to the backend server.

Start by locating the sites-available directory that holds the default file for configuring the web server, the location will vary depending on the system but it's commonly found in /etc/nginx on POSIX systems.

The sites-available/default file should hold a row that specifies where static files are served from. It should look something like this root /var/www/html;.

Remove the existing index.html file from the folder (i.e. sudo rm /var/www/html/index.html)

Now copy over the files from frontend-static into that path (i.e. in this case sudo cp frontend-static/* /var/www/html -R).

To now set up the proxy for the backend add the following lines to the sites-available/default file below the location / { ... } block.

location ~* (week|note|timeline|projects) {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

Now restart nginx (on systemd based systems it's done through sudo systemctl restart nginx.service).


If everything was done correctly you should now be able to navigate to localhost in your web browser (google chrome is recommended) and see the site up and running.

Building the resources yourself

If you wish to build the resources from source then you'll need to have the following pieces of software installed:

  • node.js (preferably version 14 or newer)
  • npm (node package manager) (version 6.14 or newer)
  • Java Development Kit (preferably version 11 or newer)

Start by clearing out the pre-built directory where we'll put our resources (i.e. rm -R pre-built/*).

Building the frontend resources

To build the frontend run this series of commands:

  • cd frontend
  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • cp build/ ../pre-built/frontend-static -R
  • cd ..

Building the backend resources

  • cd backend
  • ./gradlew build -x test if you are on a POSIX system. .\gradlew.bat build -x test if you are on a Windows system.
  • Unzip the content of the build/distributions/ in the pre-built folder (i.e. if you're using the unzip command; unzip build/distributions/ -d ../pre-built/)
  • cd ..

Copy the database configurations

cp backend/src/Database\ setup.txt pre-built/

Now all of the resources required to run the server can be found within the pre-built directory in the root of the project.



Language:JavaScript 52.2%Language:Java 28.1%Language:CSS 10.3%Language:Shell 4.3%Language:HTML 3.2%Language:Batchfile 1.8%