PaulWieland / node-red-contrib-saprfc

A node-red node for making Remote Function Calls to an SAP system

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Error: Pool configuration object must provide "connectionParameters"

balamuruganvasudevan opened this issue · comments

While i try to call RFC, getting this error.
"Error: Pool configuration object must provide "connectionParameters";


Hi @balamuruganvasudevan can you post a picture of your system configuration node? In the screen shot you do not have one selected/configured.

I have filled those details already, just removed it for security purpose


Okay, and have you selected "test" as the system on the call node?

Okay, and have you selected "test" as the system on the call node?

Yes. "test" is got selected in System

Okay, and have you selected "test" as the system on the call node?

Hi, Could you please check and help me on this

HI, @balamuruganvasudevan have you solve this issue I also have the same error message. If you find any solution kindly share it

HI, @balamuruganvasudevan have you solve this issue I also have the same error message. If you find any solution kindly share it

HI, @balamuruganvasudevan have you solve this issue I also have the same error message. If you find any solution kindly share it

I found the problem you may miss to install npm install node-rfc make sure its working