Paul McGarrigle (Paul-McGarrigle)


Geek Repo


Location:Dublin, Ireland

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Paul McGarrigle's repositories


This application is an Android based travel application. Users can Login/Register on the application and their information is stored on Firebase, a cloud based NoSQL Database. When a user has logged in they are brought to their profile page, which will display their personal registration information and allow them to upload a profile picture by accessing the devices built in Camera application. The user can then select a country and retrieve information on this country compared to their current location. For example users can get information on the specified country, or locate flights to the specified country, or use a currency conversion calculator or view a map of the country. These services are provided by online REST services, such as Google Maps API, API & API. The user can then logout of the application by following the specified link or simply shaking the device.



MSc individual end of year project. The project is a replication of a Social Media website and provides features found on Social Media sites, such as, users can Login/Register an account, send/recieve friend requests, coment on/view their own wall and friends walls, block users, search for friends etc. The project consists of a Java MVC based framework, of which Spring MVC was chosen, which would access a Relational Database, of which MySQL was chosen, and the means of access to the database would be provided via JPA/Hibernate. For Security and Authentication, of users, Spring Security was chosen. The Front End design uses a combination of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Java Spring JSP Tags Library & Bootstrap.



A web based game for children. When the game is started a grid of colours are displayed, a button will be labelled with the name of one of the colours, when a user clicks the correct colour a new colour label is displayed on the button. The game lasts 60 seconds and if the user has beaten the high score they are prompted to enter their name to the scoreboard. The user can get a hint be clicking the colour button, this hint will place a yellow border around all corresponding colours in the grid.



When a user clicks two colours that are the same, the grids are turned black. When all grids are turned black the game is over, a record is kept of the quickest time.



A SOAP based desktop travel application, some web services defined may be depreciated, as this project was completed a number of years ago.



An application that allows a user to select a geometric shape to draw to the pad. The application allows the user to delete, save and reload shapes to and from the pad. The colour of each shape can be selected, via a drop down menu, and all shapes are drawn dynamically.



Webpage that will display images, from the attached folder, in a gallery layout. The user can delete images by selecting the image and clicking the red cross in the image description.



The greatest startup ever created



Copy of the MSc Group Project working repository. This project was completed under Agile Development principals via the SCRUM Framework.



A three player tic tac toe game. The player can choose the size of grid to play on, available grids are square grids and range from 5 to 10.



Webpage which allows a user to login or create an account. Once user has logged in they can edit their stored information, to create a new account the entered data must meet specified requirements. User information stored in a cookie, webpage should be run on Firefox



This is the completed ViaGoGo Developer challenge. This application was built in the Intellij IDE and can be run by cloning the repository and importing the project to a chosen IDE and running the Driver Class. It can also be run from the command line by downloading the repository, extracting the zip file and navigating to the project src folder which can be found by adding \ViaGoGo-Developer-Test-1-master\ViaGoGo-Developer-Test-1-master\ViaGoGoDeveloperTest1\src to the path where the zip file has been extracted to. From the src folder run the following command to compile all the Classes: javac *.java The Main Method is located in the Driver Class, therefore to run the application use the following command: java Driver The user will then be prompted to enter two coordinates seperated by a comma, in the format 1,1 etc. If the user enters invalid data, error messages will be returned and the user will be prompted to re-enter their coordinates. When the user enters valid data the application will return the 5 closest events, to the user specified coordinates, and the application will end.
