PatrickAlphaC / hardhat-security-fcc

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echidna-test .... openBinaryFile: does not exist

nexevae opened this issue · comments

I have been going through Patrick's YouTube video about auditing smart contracts and first off: it is awesome! I have been learning Solidity, but wanting to focus on blockchain security; hence, this video lol. However, the reason I am commenting:

I am to the part in the video (~18:32/33/34) where the command to run echidna is typed in. When I type it in (and I have tried copying & pasting it as well to make sure I didn't make a typo), I keep getting an error message:
"echidna-test: /src/contracts/test/fuzzing/config.yaml: openBinaryFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)"

I have tried troubleshooting it myself (Google, StackOverflow, Trail of Bits Docker info page, Trail of Bits' Using Echidna blog) and cannot figure out a solution.

I've attached a screenshot of what I am seeing when I run it. Are there any ways to fix this? Any suggestions?

![echidna error](

Did you figure out ? I am having the same issue I guess that that I am writing the wrong path

Have you solved this issue? I have been facing the same problem.