PatrickAlphaC / defi-stake-yield-brownie

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

notification.transactionName is always undefined in "transactionSucceed" message.

HetaHub opened this issue · comments

I followed the final tutorial on . The file useStakeTokens.tsx in hooks defines the transactionName 'Approve ERC20 transfer' and 'Stake Tokens' when getting return message, but when I use it in StakeForm.tsx , I always get transactionName only in the transactionStarted message but not in transactionSucceed message, and I don't know how to set the transactionName in the transactionSucceed message. Any ideas on what I have done wrong?

bandicam 2022-12-24 21-03-56-995

bandicam 2022-12-24 21-03-13-366

Hmm... The UI portion of the course is a bit outdated. I'm not sure at first glance what's going on.