PatrickAlphaC / defi-stake-yield-brownie

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ValueError: API request failed with: Invalid API Key

gayatri9213 opened this issue · comments

I am getting this error after runnig " brownie run scripts/ --network kovan " this command

Could you send me the full output and log? And steps you took to get here?

We've added environment variables to the .env file and the tried to run " brownie run scripts/ --network kovan
" this command

In the future, if you could copy-paste your issues instead of screenshots, and format them with three backticks ``` that would be better since they will be searchable easier and people who want to help you will be able to copy your error and look around too. Thanks.

Also I HOPE THAT YOUR PRIVATE KEY DOESNT HAVE ANY REAL MONEY ASSOCIATED WITH IT. If it does, it's compromised, please move your money immediately.

And finally, your Etherscan token is your etherscan API key, not a URL to etherscan. Go here and select a free plan to get an API key: