Patola / 3dmodels

My 3d models (blend files, freecad files, etc.)

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Power Plug space for case-para-toradex-iris

andrecurvello opened this issue · comments

Hi there!
In the "case-para-toradex-iris" 3D model, it has a problem about the space for the Iris Power Plug.
Using the default connector supplied with the Iris Baseboard, the present "window space" is not enough for a properly connection.
The plug can be connected, the board can be turned on inside the case, but even a small force can unplug the connector.
So, could you open the "window space" for the power plug connection?
Andre Curvello.

Sure, working on it! Thanks for the bug report!

Enlarged the power connector hole. Will send you the fixed 3d print.