ParkGwangBeom / Windless

Windless makes it easy to implement invisible layout loading view.

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issue on iPhone plus size models

invinciible opened this issue · comments

Hi, it works fine however with iPhone 6s plus iPhone 8 plus it's not covering the whole width. attaching screenshot , viewController is created using xib and reused xib of uitableviewCell
simulator screenshot - iPhone 8 plus - 2018-04-11 at 10 28 43

I tried creating a ViewController in storyboard and changed the class with the one I was using as a xib and it worked fine even with the same cell .
this is the weird issue, hope you'll fix it soon.

Sorry for the late review. I have been busy company. We'll review that error.

I experiencing the same issue where shimmer on plus size iPhone model doesn't cover the whole screen eventhough leading and trailing constraint already being set to 0 to superview. Are there any alternative regarding this issue to fix this up? Or maybe you can guide me through a quick fix? After all you're quite busy :(
I really need to get this fix though :(

Check WindlessContext -> init(container: UIView) -> coverLayer.frame. Perhaps you need to recalculate it.