Paratron / hookrouter

The flexible, and fast router for react that is entirely based on hooks

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Is library still maintained ? Are PRs accepted ?

olup opened this issue · comments


Pretty much just the title ;-)

Yeah, I mentioned in the past that I have extremely low free time to work on it. But I am working on version 2.0 of the router.

PRs are meaningless right now, since I do a complete rewrite of the codebase. Since we are now in lockdown because of Covid19 here in germany, I hopefully get some more time to work on it, if my daughters sleep well at night. Yesterday I made good progress in writing the router core code and will try to add react and preact connectors tonight.

Stay tuned - its not dead :)


Sorry this came wrong from my inbox. Was wondering : are you rewriting this in typescript by any chance? We would greatly benefit from proper types.

I am rewriting this, since it was initially only a proof of concept and suffered from a couple of architectual problems.

I will not write any library ever in typescript. I dislike typescript for a number of reasons and will never use it if I don't absolutely have to.

I am rewriting this, since it was initially only a proof of concept and suffered from a couple of architectual problems.

Proof of concept ? I don't think this was mentioned anywhere.....
(Is shocked and passes out)

I think I did mention it in my initial article about it. I wrote down the idea of it in the matter of two hours during a weekend and it was suprisingly stable but in the long run turned out to have some issues that made it hard to implement serverside rendering.

I was impressed at the size and simplicity of the hookrouter API when I first tried it. When development stopped and bugs turned into blockers I decided to build my hook-based router.

For those of you like @olup who are looking for a path forward raviger just released its v2. It has been under active development since its start two years ago, is in use in several production systems, and most bugs are closed within a day or two. The API is not drop-in compatible, but its close enough that it should be easy for most people to switch.


Well, I believe react-router v6 now supports very similar DX, so I think it remains the better choice.

@olup That probably true if DX or familiarity are your top concerns. React-router very large compared to raviger or hookrouter, more than 5x the size gzipped. If bundle size is a high priority you might consider a slimmer option :)