Paratron / hookrouter

The flexible, and fast router for react that is entirely based on hooks

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Navigate & useRedirect : Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component.

StallionV opened this issue · comments

React 16.3 has new warnings to warn when A React component causes side effects in other components during rendering.

e.g. when using a [state, setState], if you are using setState inside some other component it has to be wrapped inside a useEffect to ensure synchronous rendering.

This now thrown errors in console(at least in dev mode)
Cannot update a component from inside the function body of a different component.
when we are using useRedirect and navigate from hook routers.
But there may be other places and APIs, where this scenario would as well be happening

The library needs to be relooked to identify any places where this is happening and start wrapping them in useEffect where needed.

Work arounds
For now to make this work wrap the navigate call with a dummy setTImeout this will make the call synchronous and stop the warning


setTimeout(() => {
 }, 0)

This won't work for useRedirects so the temporary option is to replace them with navigate

@Paratron I saw the note about library being rewritten #112
If so please consider looking at issues like these to make it more robust. Thanks again for the library in the first place

The error I get is this:

index.js:1 Warning: Cannot update a component (App) while rendering a different component (Component). To locate the bad setState() call inside Component, follow the stack trace as described in

It's unfortunate that this problem has persisted unfixed for so long.