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undefined method `synced_folder_capability' for VagrantPlugins::Parallels::Plugin:Class

emacaste opened this issue · comments

Installed the plugin 'vagrant-parallels (2.2.4)'!
Parzival:Homestead ilman$ vagrant up
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:

The plugins failed to load properly. The error message given is
shown below.

undefined method `synced_folder_capability' for VagrantPlugins::Parallels::Plugin:Class

Macos Monterey and Vagrant 2.2.9


Hi @beniaminorossini ,
Could you please try to reproduce this issue with latest Vagrant version (2.2.19 at this moment)?
If it still happens - please post the Vagrantfile which could be used to reproduce it.

Thank you!


Hi @legal90. Running on latest vagrant and Monterey. I'm facing the same issue. Here is my vagrant file. Any idea what's wrong ? It looks like the plugin doesn't appear there, which is weird as it shows a successful install.
At that point I'm getting a bit lost on why I get this error. Any hint would be much appreciated 👍

EDIT: the issue at that stage was coming from vagrant. I simply uninstalled it and reinstalled using brew install vagrant, then installed the plugin and vagrant up worked like a charm after that.

# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :

require 'json'
require 'yaml'

confDir = $confDir ||= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))

homesteadYamlPath = confDir + "/Homestead.yaml"
homesteadJsonPath = confDir + "/Homestead.json"
afterScriptPath = confDir + "/"
customizationScriptPath = confDir + "/"
aliasesPath = confDir + "/aliases"

require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/scripts/homestead.rb')

Vagrant.require_version '>= 2.2.4'

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
    if File.exist? aliasesPath then
        config.vm.provision "file", source: aliasesPath, destination: "/tmp/bash_aliases"
        config.vm.provision "handle_aliases", type: "shell" do |s|
            s.inline = "awk '{ sub(\"\r$\", \"\"); print }' /tmp/bash_aliases > /home/vagrant/.bash_aliases && chown vagrant:vagrant /home/vagrant/.bash_aliases"

    if File.exist? homesteadYamlPath then
        settings = YAML::load(
    elsif File.exist? homesteadJsonPath then
        settings = JSON::parse(
        abort "Homestead settings file not found in #{confDir}"

    Homestead.configure(config, settings)

    if File.exist? afterScriptPath then
        config.vm.provision "Run", type: "shell", path: afterScriptPath, privileged: false, keep_color: true

    if File.exist? customizationScriptPath then
        config.vm.provision "Run customize script", type: "shell", path: customizationScriptPath, privileged: false, keep_color: true

    if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostsupdater')
        config.hostsupdater.remove_on_suspend = false
        config.hostsupdater.aliases = settings['sites'].map { |site| site['map'] }
    elsif Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-hostmanager')
        config.hostmanager.enabled = true
        config.hostmanager.manage_host = true
        config.hostmanager.aliases = settings['sites'].map { |site| site['map'] }
    elsif Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-goodhosts')
        config.goodhosts.aliases = settings['sites'].map { |site| site['map'] }

    if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-notify-forwarder')
        config.notify_forwarder.enable = true

Thank you for the information, @DanDvoracek,
The fact that the re-installation of Vagrant fixes this issue, means that the root cause is located somewhere outside our plugin.

My thoughts:

undefined method `synced_folder_capability' for VagrantPlugins::Parallels::Plugin:Class

This error means that Vagrant can't find the definition of synced_folder_capability, while it has to be in the core Vagrant bundle:
Probably, this file got corrupted or missing on the filesystem. I recommend checking it if you encounter this issue next time.
If Vagrant is installed by the official installer (.dmg), this file should be located here:
