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Add support for OpenACC

nchaimov opened this issue · comments

TAU now supports OpenACC with PGI/nvhpc compilers. To test this in TAU:

  • Log in to a system that has compatible compilers, such as
  • Load the appropriate compiler module, e.g., module load nvhpc/20.9
  • Load CUDA: module load cuda/11.4
  • Build TAU with -openacc -cc=nvc -c++=nvc++ -fortran=nvfortran -cuda=/packages/cuda/11.4 -bfd=download -unwind=download; make install -j8
  • cd examples/openacc
  • make
  • tau_exec -T serial,acc,nvhpc,cupti -openacc -cupti ./jacobi

We want to support this TAU configuration in TAU Commander. Adding this support will involve:

  • Adding a boolean OpenACC argument to the Application model, indicating whether the application uses OpenACC; see for example
    'openmp': {
    'type': 'boolean',
    'description': 'application uses OpenMP',
    'default': False,
    'argparse': {'flags': ('--openmp',)},
    'rebuild_required': True
    'pthreads': {
    'type': 'boolean',
    'description': 'application uses pthreads',
    'default': False,
    'argparse': {'flags': ('--pthreads',)},
    'rebuild_required': True
    for other boolean options already in the Application model.
  • Adding a similar argument to the Measurement to control whether to measure OpenACC. A constraint should be on this requiring that the Application use OpenACC and that a compatible compiler be used. See
    'mpi': {
    'type': 'boolean',
    'default': False,
    'description': 'use MPI library wrapper to measure time spent in MPI methods',
    'argparse': {'flags': ('--mpi',)},
    'compat': {True:
    Application.require('mpi', True),
    Measurement.exclude('baseline', True))},
    for an example of constraints on a Measurement attribute.
  • Modifying to build TAU with -openacc when the Application specifies OpenACC.
  • Modifying to expect the tag acc when TAU is built with OpenACC.
  • Modifying to run applications through tau_exec with -openacc when the Measurement specifies OpenACC.
  • Adding a test of OpenACC support to the test suite and verifying that it passes on a system that supports OpenACC. The test should be configured so that it will not run if the system doesn't have an appropriate compiler.

One other probable task for this: the PGI compilers have been re-named and are now the NVHPC compilers. They used to be in executables named pgcc, pgCC, and pgfortran but are now nvc, nvc++, and nvfortran. The compiler detection logic in TAU Commander will probably need to be updated to support the new names. The existing code for detection of PGI compilers is at:

PGI = HOST_COMPILERS.add('PGI', family_regex=r'The Portland Group|NVIDIA CORPORATION',
CC='pgcc', CXX=('pgCC', 'pgc++', 'pgcxx'), FC=('pgfortran', 'pgf90', 'pgf77'))

Also, the tag that is used with TAU is now nvhpc instead of pgi when the new versions are used, so the logic to construct a tag from the compiler will also need to be updated. That is at:

def _compiler_tags(self):
return {host_compilers.INTEL: 'intel' if self.tau_magic.operating_system is CRAY_CNL else 'icpc',
host_compilers.PGI: 'pgi'}

Added in #416. Thanks @vikram8128!