PaperMC / paperweight

Gradle build system plugin for Paper and Paper forks

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Failed to import

minhh2792 opened this issue · comments

I want to import this class from vanilla, but after the import it just doesnt want me to compile the server
Here is the error log:

/home/qtpctechhxd/Documents/Coding/forkncct/forkncct-Server/src/main/java/net/minecraft/data/worldgen/placement/ error: no suitable method found for inlinePlaced(Holder<ConfiguredFeature>,PlacementModifier[])
        return inlinePlaced( ConfiguredFeature(feature, featureConfig)), modifiers);
    method PlacementUtils.inlinePlaced(Holder<? extends ConfiguredFeature<?,?>>,PlacementModifier...) is not applicable
      (argument mismatch; Holder<ConfiguredFeature> cannot be converted to Holder<? extends ConfiguredFeature<?,?>>)
    method PlacementUtils.<FC,F>inlinePlaced(F,FC,PlacementModifier...) is not applicable
      (inference variable FC has incompatible bounds
        lower bounds: FeatureConfiguration
        lower bounds: PlacementModifier[])
  where FC,F are type-variables:
    FC extends FeatureConfiguration declared in method <FC,F>inlinePlaced(F,FC,PlacementModifier...)
    F extends Feature<FC> declared in method <FC,F>inlinePlaced(F,FC,PlacementModifier...)

Not a paperweight issue, these are decmpiled classes and so many aspects such as generics can break the compile, you'll need to fix the class manually