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(Bug?) Translation keys in `VelocityBrigadierMessage` are sent as their literal key rather than allowing the client to translate

willkroboth opened this issue · comments


I created a Velocity server with a Paper backend server. On Velocity, I have this plugin:

public class VelocityTestPlugin {

    private ProxyServer server;

    public void onProxyInitialization(ProxyInitializeEvent event) {
        server.getCommandManager().register(new BrigadierCommand(
                        RequiredArgumentBuilder.<CommandSource, String>argument("player", StringArgumentType.word())
                                .suggests((context, builder) -> {
                                    return builder.buildFuture();
                                .executes(context -> {
                                    String playerName = context.getArgument("player", String.class);
                                    Optional<Player> optionalPlayer = server.getPlayer(playerName);

                                        throw new SimpleCommandExceptionType(VelocityBrigadierMessage.tooltip(Component.translatable("argument.player.unknown"))).create();

                                    optionalPlayer.get().sendMessage(Component.text("You were the target of the command"));

                                    return 1;

This plugin registers a BrigadierCommand that attempts to get a Player object from a string. If a player cannot be found for the given String, the command throws an error using one of Minecraft's language codes, argument.player.unknown.

On Paper, I have this plugin:

public final class BukkitTestPlugin extends JavaPlugin implements Listener {
    public void onEnable() {
        getLifecycleManager().registerEventHandler(LifecycleEvents.COMMANDS, event -> {
            Commands commands = event.registrar();
                            Commands.argument("player", StringArgumentType.word())
                                    .suggests((context, builder) -> {
                                        return builder.buildFuture();
                                    .executes(context -> {
                                        String playerName = context.getArgument("player", String.class);
                                        Player player = Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName);

                                        if(player == null)
                                            throw new SimpleCommandExceptionType(PaperBrigadier.message(Component.translatable("argument.player.unknown"))).create();

                                        player.sendMessage(Component.text("You were the target of the command"));

                                        return 1;

This uses API from PaperMC/Paper#8235 to register a command that is basically the same as the one on Velocity.

Observed results

When I join the server, I get these results when running the commands (I switched my client language from English to Spanish):

Translated error

When running /velocitycommand notPlayer, I expect the key argument.player.unknown to be translated to the client's language, which is what happens when running papercommand notPlayer. Instead, the player is sent the literal text argument.player.unknown.

I believe this comes from line 235 in VelocityCommandManager:

} catch (final CommandSyntaxException e) {
boolean isSyntaxError = !e.getType().equals(
if (isSyntaxError) {
source.sendMessage(Component.text(e.getMessage(), NamedTextColor.RED));
result = com.velocitypowered.api.command.CommandResult.SYNTAX_ERROR;
// This is, of course, a lie, but the API will need to change...
return true;
} else {
result = CommandResult.FORWARDED;
return false;
} catch (final Throwable e) {

CommandSyntaxException#getMessage ends up flattening the Component held by VelocityBrigadierMessage into plain text (see here).

Instead, I believe this code should use CommandSyntaxException#getRawMessage. If the (Message e.getRawMessage()) instanceof VelocityBrigadierMessage, then the Component held by VelocityBrigadierMessage should be sent directly to the client. If that is a TranslateableComponent, then its key should be sent to the client for them to deal with as appropriate

I'm not very familiar with how translated messages work on Velocity, but I expect that these equivalent commands on Paper and Velocity should work the same.