PaperMC / Paperclip

Bootstrap utility and launcher for the Paper Minecraft server

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Classloader issues

zachbr opened this issue · comments


There appear to be several issues with the classloading method used by Paperclip.
Most of the internal team are aware of them, despite this we are unaware of a solution at this time.

So this ticket is sort of a "master" for all of those. Perhaps its simple and overlooked, perhaps it's a limitation of the system. 🤷

The classloading method used by Paperclip seems incompatible with Java 9's new modular pattern JEP-220. I get the error:

SystemClassLoader not URLClassLoader

Running paperclip.jar with Java 9.

Any plans to support Java 9?


Not until it's released, no

At which point we'll look into any issues and how to resolve them.


Going to split this into two separate tickets. This was not intended to be about Java 9's classloader changes, but it morphed into it.