PaperMC / Folia

Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Pearling short distance spins player

Netherwhal opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Throwing pearl short distance should show and player should be teleported in the same facing direction.

Observed/Actual behavior

Short distance pearl throwing are not visible, player is teleported doing a 180 spin.

Steps/models to reproduce

  1. Throw a pearl short distance

Plugin and Datapack List

[00:21:21] [Region Scheduler Thread #2/INFO]: Paper Plugins:
[00:21:21] [Region Scheduler Thread #2/INFO]:  - MiniPlaceholders, MiniPlaceholders-Player-Expansion
[00:21:21] [Region Scheduler Thread #2/INFO]: Bukkit Plugins:
[00:21:21] [Region Scheduler Thread #2/INFO]:  - CMILib, DiscordSRV, GrimAC, MobFarmManager, NoIllegals, NoPluginsCommand, PlaceholderAPI, SimplyAdmin, SimplyChat, SimplyHeightLimit
[00:21:21] [Region Scheduler Thread #2/INFO]:  SimplyNicks, SimplyRank, SimplyVotifier, spark, TAB, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, voicechat, VotingPlugin

Folia version

 This server is running Folia version git-Folia-33 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 8939611 on HEAD)


I can not re-produce with plugins nor without on a test environment. I am double checking with the player on connectivity + ensuring they are using vanilla client.

Asked on Discord also, but can you reproduce this without plugins?

This happens without any plugins, it's a Folia issue (It happened on DonutSMP too)

I actually can't see what's going on here, what should I be looking for?

I actually can't see what's going on here, what should I be looking for?

yaw/pitch are ending up to be wrong values, so whenever you throw a pearl, sometimes it'll screw the head rotation and position likely too, so when you're tping even tho you're looking directly to lets say south, on the other POV it'll be NORTH or other direction (north is just example not static).

Yeah this looks like an entity tracker problem that Folia has made worse, do you also see this causing position desyncs as well?