PaperMC / Folia

Fork of Paper which adds regionised multithreading to the dedicated server.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

when players break blocks below themselves they momentarily stutter back on top of the block they broke during/after falling to the block below

VanillaAnarchy opened this issue · comments


Expected behavior

block 1 is directly stacked on top of block 2

  1. player stands on block 1
  2. player breaks block 1 below themselves
  3. player falls to block 2
  4. player does not move/stutter from block 2

this is from the perspective of the player

Observed/Actual behavior

when a player breaks a block below themselves and falls to the next block, the player sees themselves briefly stutter back on top of the block that they already broke and back to where they fell after breaking said block

Steps/models to reproduce

block 1 is directly stacked on top of block 2

  1. player stands on block 1
  2. player breaks block 1 below themselves
  3. player falls to block 2
  4. player moves back to block 1
  5. player then returns down to block 2
  6. player does not move from block 2

Events happen in less than a second
Looks like desync lag

Plugin and Datapack List


Folia version

Checking version, please wait...
[18:30:36 INFO]: This server is running Folia version git-Folia-"85d27e0" (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 85d27e0 on dev/1.20.4)
Unknown version
Previous version: git-Folia-"54b7395" (MC: 1.20.2)


Didn't happen on my servers previous Folia 1.20.2 version

I tested this issue without plugins on both versions and can reproduce it on 1.20.4 but not on 1.20.2 with 100% accuracy
Pterodactyl Panel 1.11.5 running on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Each Foila version generated their own world files

What I observed on different latencies

  • 5ms is noticeable sometimes
  • 25ms is very noticeable
  • 50ms connections it becomes very jarring to look at
  • 100ms is headache inducing

could not reproduce on latest papermc 1.20.4 build
also tried running the affected folia server build on a windows 10 machine, repeated all testing, same exact issue persists


repeated all testing but reset config files in-between, same exact issue persists in latest 1.20.4 build but not in previous 1.20.2 version