PacktPublishing / Full-stack-Django-and-React

Full-stack Django and React, published by Packt

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Initial User Migration Failed with Admin.0001 Dependency [Solved]

remyluslosius opened this issue · comments

After creating the UserManager and User models, the migration failed with the error below.

Migration admin.0001_initial is applied before its dependency core_user.0001_initial on database 'default'.

I followed this discussion thread's advice to delete/drop the database.

$ sudo su postgres
$ psql

postgres=# DROP DATABASE coredb;

Now, recreate the database. Remember the user 'core' still exists. There's no need to try to create it.

postgres=# CREATE DATABASE coredb;
postgres=# ALTER ROLE core SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE core SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
postgres=# ALTER ROLE core SET timezone TO 'UTC';
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE coredb OWNER TO core;

If you already ran the "makemigrations" for core_user, simply run python migrate

It works for me!

Thanks a lot @remyluslosius for bringing this to our attention and sharing a solution for it, we appreciate it!

Hey @koladev32 what do you think about this issue and user suggestion?
Let me know if I should add this to the README in order to bring it to other reader's attention too.

@rajat-packt This is an interesting suggestion if the reader is learning/working with the book. We can point it in the

Thank you very much for this. This solved my problem