PSKeePass / PoShKeePass

PowerShell module for KeePass

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to Pass a Credential Object to -MasterKey Parameter

jkdba opened this issue · comments

Supposed to be able to pass a cred, or secure string to the -MasterKey parameter however for the time being only secure strings are working.

The use of the credential objects Password property works as a workaround for this issue. From the example below -MasterKey $KeeCred.**Password**.

Example usage:

# Create a Credential Object Variable
# this will prompt you for the master password for a scriptable usage please read the MS documentation # on the Get-Credential function
$KeeCred =  Get-Credential -Message 'MasterKey Password:' -UserName 'KeePass'

# make a call with this Credential using the secure string password
Get-KeePassEntry -AsPlainText -DatabaseProfileName TestDB -MasterKey $KeeCred.Password


Update dynamic parameter loading function and update type validation on the -MasterKey parameter to support both creds and secure strings.

The underlying code already supports it.