Light weight SPIR-V reflection library

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Fails to build (wrong spirv version in spirq-core).

codecnotsupported opened this issue · comments

Not sure if it's just me but both git and stable versions fail to build.
Something to do with the version bump perhaps?
Build log

Nevermind, local issue.

Oddly enough purging cargo cache causes this issue to appear.
Setting spirq = "0" and then spirq = "*" fixes the issue.

Or not? Closing until I can reproduce reliably.

Managed to reliably reproduce.

Issue exists on new projects, tested on spirq = "1.1.1"


cargo tree

    └── spirq-core v1.0.3
        ├── anyhow v1.0.81
        ├── bytemuck v1.14.3
        ├── fnv v1.0.7
        ├── half v2.4.0
        │   ├── cfg-if v1.0.0
        │   └── num-traits v0.2.18 (*)
        ├── num-traits v0.2.18 (*)
        ├── ordered-float v3.9.2 (*)
        └── spirv v0.3.0+sdk- <<<<<<<<<
            └── bitflags v2.4.2

I can confirm this is actually happening.. Could you use the last release at the moment?

It's basically sourced from here. gfx-rs/rspirv#250 I'm trynna make a workaround for now but I'm looking forward to a more systematic solution real soon

I can confirm this is actually happening.. Could you use the last release at the moment?

Isn't 1.1.1 the latest release?

My current workaround is using git and specifying the revision before it broke spirq = {git="", rev="da5102ea6b43933dff4511db5d9751de68b482d5"}
This will do for now until #127 or/and gfx-rs/rspirv#250 is resolved.

No, I mean the one before that. Anyway, a fix is on the way. I figured out a way to workaround it in #131. Would you like to check if the PR actually fix both of the problems on your end?

It's on master now.

With the new impl I pinned to spirv >= 3.0. Just hope they don't make another breaking change next time. Closing now

Yep works on my end, thanks for the fix.

With the new impl I pinned to spirv >= 3.0. Just hope they don't make another breaking change next time.

That's pretty dangerous and will break your spirq release whenever a breaking spirv crate is released with accompanying most-significant-version bump. That's exactly why semver exists and an unbounded >= shouldn't be used :)