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writers.pgpointcloud needs a filename parameter to work

Nicolasribot opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When using writers.pgpointcloud in a pipeline, an error occurs if a filename parameter is not defined, though such parameter is not described in the writer documentation.
Adding a dummy value for the filename parameter solves the issue.

$ pdal pipeline --input ign_to_pg.json
  "pipeline": [
      "type": "filters.chipper",
      "capacity": 400
      "type": "writers.pgpointcloud",
      "connection": "host='localhost' port='16432'",
      "table": "lidar",
      "compression": "dimensional",
      "srid": "2154"

Expected behavior
The pgpointcloud writer does not need a filename parameter to work

System/installation information:

$ uname -a
Darwin ACLYXY4K6WYWY 23.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:11:08 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8122 arm64
$ pdal --version
pdal 2.7.1 (git-version: Release)

This got broken when we added support for UUIDs in filenames. I have a fix but I don't really have any way of testing this anymore. Would you be able to build and test if I push a branch?

Yes I think I would be able to test your code

I checked out the issue-4389 branch on my local repo and tested pgpointcloud writer without filename parameter: it worked.
I also ran all Ctests with only one error (the same error as seen on the main PDAL repo also):

120: /Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/test/unit/apps/InfoTest.cpp:62: Failure
120: Expected: (output.find(validation)) != (std::string::npos), actual: 18446744073709551615 vs 18446744073709551615

There should have been an extended message after the one you posted. Was it missing?

In this conversation you mean ? I did not see an extended message

In the output following the Expected line you provided.

Yes sorry I thought it was too lengthy. Here is the full error message for the failing test:

120: Test command: /Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/cmake-build-pdal-debug/bin/pdal_info_test
120: Working Directory: /Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/cmake-build-pdal-debug/bin/..
120: Environment variables: 
120:  PDAL_DRIVER_PATH=/Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/cmake-build-pdal-debug/lib
120: Test timeout computed to be: 10000000
120: [==========] Running 6 tests from 1 test suite.
120: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
120: [----------] 6 tests from Info
120: [ RUN      ] Info.point
120: [       OK ] Info.point (368 ms)
120: [ RUN      ] Info.query
120: [       OK ] Info.query (376 ms)
120: [ RUN      ] Info.stats
120: [       OK ] Info.stats (728 ms)
120: [ RUN      ] Info.schema
120: [       OK ] Info.schema (121 ms)
120: [ RUN      ] Info.all
120: [       OK ] Info.all (779 ms)
120: [ RUN      ] Info.stac
120: /Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/test/unit/apps/InfoTest.cpp:62: Failure
120: Expected: (output.find(validation)) != (std::string::npos), actual: 18446744073709551615 vs 18446744073709551615
120: Found: '{
120:   "file_size": 3742038,
120:   "filename": "/Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/test/data/las/autzen_trim.las",
120:   "now": "2024-04-18T20:10:46+0200",
120:   "pdal_version": "2.7.0 (git-version: ccae6d)",
120:   "reader": "readers.las",
120:   "stac":
120:   {
120:     "assets":
120:     {
120:       "data":
120:       {
120:         "href": "/Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/test/data/las/autzen_trim.las",
120:         "title": "Pointcloud data"
120:       }
120:     },
120:     "bbox":
120:     [
120:       -123.0734622,
120:       44.04990616,
120:       406.26,
120:       -123.068918,
120:       44.05155049,
120:       520.51
120:     ],
120:     "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ -123.073395162034643, 44.049906162305206, 406.26 ], [ -123.0734622480648, 44.051449329698563, 406.26 ], [ -123.068984944029978, 44.051550487759314, 520.51 ], [ -123.068917974563547, 44.050007317747578, 520.51 ], [ -123.073395162034643, 44.049906162305206, 406.26 ] ] ] },
120:     "id": "autzen_trim",
120:     "links":
120:     [
120:       {
120:         "href": "/Users/nicolas/bin/PDAL/test/data/las/autzen_trim.las",
120:         "rel": "derived_from"
120:       }
120:     ],
120:     "properties":
120:     {
120:       "datetime": "2015-09-09T00:00:00Z",
120:       "pc:count": 110000,
120:       "pc:encoding": ".las",
120:       "pc:schemas":
120:       [
120:         {
120:           "name": "X",
120:           "size": 8,
120:           "type": "floating"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Y",
120:           "size": 8,
120:           "type": "floating"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Z",
120:           "size": 8,
120:           "type": "floating"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Intensity",
120:           "size": 2,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "ReturnNumber",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "NumberOfReturns",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "ScanDirectionFlag",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "EdgeOfFlightLine",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Classification",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Synthetic",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "KeyPoint",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Withheld",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Overlap",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "ScanAngleRank",
120:           "size": 4,
120:           "type": "floating"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "UserData",
120:           "size": 1,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "PointSourceId",
120:           "size": 2,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "GpsTime",
120:           "size": 8,
120:           "type": "floating"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Red",
120:           "size": 2,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Green",
120:           "size": 2,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Blue",
120:           "size": 2,
120:           "type": "unsigned"
120:         }
120:       ],
120:       "pc:statistics":
120:       [
120:         {
120:           "average": 636546.405,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 637179.22,
120:           "minimum": 636001.76,
120:           "name": "X",
120:           "position": 0,
120:           "stddev": 314.9304199,
120:           "variance": 99181.16939
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 849145.7857,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 849497.9,
120:           "minimum": 848935.2,
120:           "name": "Y",
120:           "position": 1,
120:           "stddev": 124.3281512,
120:           "variance": 15457.48917
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 430.3375248,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 520.51,
120:           "minimum": 406.26,
120:           "name": "Z",
120:           "position": 2,
120:           "stddev": 14.94118348,
120:           "variance": 223.2389639
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 102.0049727,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 254,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "Intensity",
120:           "position": 3,
120:           "stddev": 68.58535917,
120:           "variance": 4703.951493
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 1.114218182,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 4,
120:           "minimum": 1,
120:           "name": "ReturnNumber",
120:           "position": 4,
120:           "stddev": 0.3688939099,
120:           "variance": 0.1360827168
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 1.228854545,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 4,
120:           "minimum": 1,
120:           "name": "NumberOfReturns",
120:           "position": 5,
120:           "stddev": 0.5309262708,
120:           "variance": 0.281882705
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0.5090727273,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 1,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "ScanDirectionFlag",
120:           "position": 6,
120:           "stddev": 0.4999199512,
120:           "variance": 0.2499199576
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 0,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "EdgeOfFlightLine",
120:           "position": 7,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 1.237336364,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 2,
120:           "minimum": 1,
120:           "name": "Classification",
120:           "position": 8,
120:           "stddev": 0.4254520651,
120:           "variance": 0.1810094597
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": -8.288418182,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": -1,
120:           "minimum": -18,
120:           "name": "ScanAngleRank",
120:           "position": 9,
120:           "stddev": 2.643634952,
120:           "variance": 6.98880576
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 125.1248727,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 135,
120:           "minimum": 117,
120:           "name": "UserData",
120:           "position": 10,
120:           "stddev": 2.710253416,
120:           "variance": 7.345473579
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 7326,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 7326,
120:           "minimum": 7326,
120:           "name": "PointSourceId",
120:           "position": 11,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 111.4174727,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 236,
120:           "minimum": 40,
120:           "name": "Red",
120:           "position": 12,
120:           "stddev": 36.82992919,
120:           "variance": 1356.443684
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 119.7139,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 228,
120:           "minimum": 55,
120:           "name": "Green",
120:           "position": 13,
120:           "stddev": 30.09249902,
120:           "variance": 905.5584973
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 99.43662727,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 219,
120:           "minimum": 52,
120:           "name": "Blue",
120:           "position": 14,
120:           "stddev": 24.45077989,
120:           "variance": 597.840637
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 245383.3992,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 245385.9111,
120:           "minimum": 245379.3984,
120:           "name": "GpsTime",
120:           "position": 15,
120:           "stddev": 1.723592276,
120:           "variance": 2.970770333
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 0,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "Synthetic",
120:           "position": 16,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 0,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "KeyPoint",
120:           "position": 17,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 0,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "Withheld",
120:           "position": 18,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "average": 0,
120:           "count": 110000,
120:           "maximum": 0,
120:           "minimum": 0,
120:           "name": "Overlap",
120:           "position": 19,
120:           "stddev": 0,
120:           "variance": 0
120:         }
120:       ],
120:       "pc:type": "lidar",
120:       "proj:bbox":
120:       [
120:         636001.76,
120:         848935.2,
120:         406.26,
120:         637179.22,
120:         849497.9,
120:         520.51
120:       ],
120:       "proj:geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 636001.76, 848935.200000000069849, 406.26 ], [ 636001.76, 849497.900000000023283, 406.26 ], [ 637179.21999999997206, 849497.900000000023283, 520.51 ], [ 637179.21999999997206, 848935.200000000069849, 520.51 ], [ 636001.76, 848935.200000000069849, 406.26 ] ] ] },
120:       "proj:projjson": {
120:   "type": "ProjectedCRS",
120:   "name": "NAD_1983_HARN_Lambert_Conformal_Conic",
120:   "base_crs": {
120:     "name": "NAD83(HARN)",
120:     "datum": {
120:       "type": "GeodeticReferenceFrame",
120:       "name": "NAD83 (High Accuracy Reference Network)",
120:       "ellipsoid": {
120:         "name": "GRS 1980",
120:         "semi_major_axis": 6378137,
120:         "inverse_flattening": 298.257222101004
120:       },
120:       "id": {
120:         "authority": "EPSG",
120:         "code": 6152
120:       }
120:     },
120:     "coordinate_system": {
120:       "subtype": "ellipsoidal",
120:       "axis": [
120:         {
120:           "name": "Longitude",
120:           "abbreviation": "lon",
120:           "direction": "east",
120:           "unit": "degree"
120:         },
120:         {
120:           "name": "Latitude",
120:           "abbreviation": "lat",
120:           "direction": "north",
120:           "unit": "degree"
120:         }
120:       ]
120:     }
120:   },
120:   "conversion": {
120:     "name": "unnamed",
120:     "method": {
120:       "name": "Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)",
120:       "id": {
120:         "authority": "EPSG",
120:         "code": 9802
120:       }
120:     },
120:     "parameters": [
120:       {
120:         "name": "Latitude of false origin",
120:         "value": 41.75,
120:         "unit": "degree",
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8821
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Longitude of false origin",
120:         "value": -120.5,
120:         "unit": "degree",
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8822
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Latitude of 1st standard parallel",
120:         "value": 43,
120:         "unit": "degree",
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8823
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Latitude of 2nd standard parallel",
120:         "value": 45.5,
120:         "unit": "degree",
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8824
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Easting at false origin",
120:         "value": 1312335.95800525,
120:         "unit": {
120:           "type": "LinearUnit",
120:           "name": "foot",
120:           "conversion_factor": 0.3048
120:         },
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8826
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Northing at false origin",
120:         "value": 0,
120:         "unit": {
120:           "type": "LinearUnit",
120:           "name": "foot",
120:           "conversion_factor": 0.3048
120:         },
120:         "id": {
120:           "authority": "EPSG",
120:           "code": 8827
120:         }
120:       }
120:     ]
120:   },
120:   "coordinate_system": {
120:     "subtype": "Cartesian",
120:     "axis": [
120:       {
120:         "name": "Easting",
120:         "abbreviation": "",
120:         "direction": "east",
120:         "unit": {
120:           "type": "LinearUnit",
120:           "name": "foot",
120:           "conversion_factor": 0.3048,
120:           "id": {
120:             "authority": "EPSG",
120:             "code": 9002
120:           }
120:         }
120:       },
120:       {
120:         "name": "Northing",
120:         "abbreviation": "",
120:         "direction": "north",
120:         "unit": {
120:           "type": "LinearUnit",
120:           "name": "foot",
120:           "conversion_factor": 0.3048,
120:           "id": {
120:             "authority": "EPSG",
120:             "code": 9002
120:           }
120:         }
120:       }
120:     ]
120:   }
120: },
120:       "proj:wkt2": "PROJCS[\"NAD_1983_HARN_Lambert_Conformal_Conic\",GEOGCS[\"NAD83(HARN)\",DATUM[\"NAD83_High_Accuracy_Reference_Network\",SPHEROID[\"GRS 1980\",6378137,298.257222101004,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7019\"]],AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6152\"]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9122\"]]],PROJECTION[\"Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP\"],PARAMETER[\"latitude_of_origin\",41.75],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",-120.5],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_1\",43],PARAMETER[\"standard_parallel_2\",45.5],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",1312335.95800525],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"foot\",0.3048,AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"9002\"]],AXIS[\"Easting\",EAST],AXIS[\"Northing\",NORTH]]"
120:     },
120:     "stac_extensions":
120:     [
120:       "https://stac-extensions.github.io/pointcloud/v1.0.0/schema.json",
120:       "https://stac-extensions.github.io/projection/v1.1.0/schema.json"
120:     ],
120:     "stac_version": "1.0.0",
120:     "type": "Feature"
120:   }
120: }
120: '
120: expected: '
120:     "properties":
120:     {
120:       "datetime": "2015-09-10T00:00:00Z",
120:       "pc:count": 110000,
120:       "pc:encoding": ".las",
120: '
120: [  FAILED  ] Info.stac (921 ms)
120: [----------] 6 tests from Info (3295 ms total)
120: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
120: [==========] 6 tests from 1 test suite ran. (3295 ms total)
120: [  PASSED  ] 5 tests.
120: [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
120: [  FAILED  ] Info.stac

appears to be addressed in https://github.com/PDAL/PDAL/tree/issue-4389 but needs testing.