PDAL is Point Data Abstraction Library. GDAL for point cloud data.

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visual studio project cannot load readers.e57

hinataze opened this issue · comments

windows 10, installed pdal with plugins with vcpkg and PDAL_DRIVER_PATH is set correctly, when i run ./pdal --driver it finds other plugins but readers.e57 is not listed. any ideas?

PS C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\pdal> ./pdal --drivers
============================ ===================================================
Name Description
============================ ===================================================
filters.approximatecoplanar Estimates the planarity of a neighborhood of
points using eigenvalues.
filters.assign Assign values for a dimension range to a specified
filters.chipper Organize points into spatially contiguous,
squarish, and non-overlapping chips.
filters.cluster Extract and label clusters using Euclidean
filters.colorinterp Assigns RGB colors based on a dimension and a ramp
filters.colorization Fetch and assign RGB color information from a
GDAL-readable datasource.
filters.covariancefeatures Filter that calculates local features based on the
covariance matrix of a point's neighborhood.
filters.crop Filter points inside or outside a bounding box or
a polygon
filters.csf Cloth Simulation Filter (Zhang et al., 2016)
filters.dbscan DBSCAN Clustering.
filters.decimation Rank decimation filter. Keep every Nth point
filters.delaunay Perform Delaunay triangulation of a pointcloud
filters.dem Filter points about an elevation surface
filters.divider Divide points into approximately equal sized
groups based on a simple scheme
filters.eigenvalues Returns the eigenvalues for a given point, based
on its k-nearest neighbors.
filters.elm Marks low points as noise.
filters.estimaterank Computes the rank of a neighborhood of points.
filters.expression Pass only points given an expression
filters.faceraster Face Raster Filter
filters.ferry Copy data from one dimension to another.
filters.fps Farthest point sampling filter
filters.geomdistance Compute the distance for points to a given
filters.gpstimeconvert Convert between GPS Time, GPS Standard Time, and
GPS Week Seconds
filters.greedyprojection Greedy Triangulation filter
filters.groupby Split data categorically by dimension.
filters.hag_delaunay Computes height above ground using delaunay
interpolation of ground returns.
filters.hag_dem Computes height above ground using a DEM raster.
filters.hag_nn Computes height above ground using
nearest-neighbor ground-classified returns.
filters.head Return N points from beginning of the point cloud.
filters.hexbin Tessellate the point's X/Y domain and determine
point density and/or point boundary.
filters.icp Iterative Closest Point (ICP) registration.
filters.info Gather basic info about points.
filters.iqr Interquartile Range Filter
filters.litree Li Tree Filter
filters.lloydkmeans Extract and label clusters using K-means (Lloyd's
filters.locate Return a single point with min/max value in the
named dimension.
filters.lof LOF Filter
filters.mad Median Absolute Deviation Filter
filters.merge Merge data from two different readers into a
single stream.
filters.miniball Miniball (Kutz et al., 2003)
filters.mongo Pass only points that pass a logic filter.
filters.mortonorder Morton or z-order sorting of points. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_curve for
more detail.
filters.neighborclassifier Re-assign some point attributes based KNN voting
filters.nndistance NN-Distance Filter
filters.normal Normal Filter
filters.optimalneighborhood OptimalNeighborhood Filter
filters.outlier Outlier removal
filters.overlay Assign values to a dimension based on the extent
of an OGR-readable data source or an OGR SQL
filters.planefit Plane Fit (Kutz et al., 2003)
filters.pmf Progressive morphological filter
filters.poisson Poisson Surface Reconstruction Filter
filters.projpipeline Transform coordinates using Proj pipeline string,
WKT2 coordinate operations or URN definition
filters.radialdensity RadialDensity Filter
filters.randomize Randomize points in a view.
filters.range Pass only points given a dimension/range.
filters.reciprocity Returns the percentage of neighbors that do NOT
have the query point as a neighbor
filters.relaxationdartthrowing Subsampling filter
filters.reprojection Reproject data using GDAL from one coordinate
system to another.
filters.returns Split data by return order
filters.sample Subsampling filter
filters.separatescanline Split data by scan line.
filters.shell Execute a shell operation inline with PDAL
pipeline steps
filters.skewnessbalancing Bartels & Wei Skewness Balancing
filters.smrf Simple Morphological Filter (Pingel et al., 2013)
filters.sort Sort data based on a given dimension.
filters.splitter Split data based on a X/Y box length.
filters.stats Compute statistics about each dimension (mean,
min, max, etc.)
filters.streamcallback Provide a hook for a simple point-by-point
filters.tail Return N points from end of the point cloud.
filters.transformation Transform each point using a 4x4 transformation
filters.voxelcenternearestneighbor Voxel Center Nearest Neighbor Filter
filters.voxelcentroidnearestneighbor Voxel Centroid Nearest Neighbor Filter
filters.voxeldownsize First Entry Voxel Filter
filters.zsmooth Zsmooth Filter
readers.bpf "Binary Point Format" (BPF) reader support. BPF is
a simple DoD and research format that is used by
some sensor and processing chains.
readers.copc COPC Reader
readers.ept EPT Reader
readers.faux Faux Reader
readers.fbi Fbi Reader
readers.gdal Read GDAL rasters as point clouds.
readers.i3s I3S Reader
readers.ilvis2 ILVIS2 Reader
readers.las ASPRS LAS 1.0 - 1.4 read support. LASzip support
is also enabled through this driver if LASzip was
found during compilation.
readers.memoryview Memory View Reader
readers.obj Obj Reader
readers.optech Optech reader support.
readers.pcd Read data in the Point Cloud Library (PCL) format.
readers.pgpointcloud Read data from pgpointcloud format. "query" option
needs to be a SQL statement selecting the data.
readers.ply Read ply files.
readers.pts Pts Reader
readers.ptx Ptx Reader
readers.qfit QFIT Reader
readers.sbet SBET Reader
readers.slpk SLPK Reader
readers.smrmsg SBET smrmsg Reader
readers.stac STAC Reader
readers.terrasolid TerraSolid Reader
readers.text Text Reader
readers.tindex TileIndex Reader
writers.bpf "Binary Point Format" (BPF) writer support. BPF is
a simple DoD and research format that is used by
some sensor and processing chains.
writers.copc COPC Writer
writers.ept_addon EPT Writer
writers.fbi FBI Writer
writers.gdal Write a point cloud as a GDAL raster.
writers.gltf Gltf Writer
writers.las ASPRS LAS 1.0 - 1.4 writer. LASzip support is also
available if enabled at compile-time.
writers.null Null writer. Provides a sink for points in a
pipeline. It's the same as sending pipeline output
to /dev/null.
writers.ogr Write a point cloud as a set of OGR
writers.pcd Write data in the Point Cloud Library (PCL)
writers.pgpointcloud Write points to PostgreSQL pgpointcloud output
writers.ply ply writer
writers.raster Write a raster.
writers.sbet SBET Writer
writers.text Text Writer

PS C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\pdal> ./pdal --verbose=Debug
(PDAL Debug) Debugging...
--command The PDAL command
--debug Sets the output level to 3 (option deprecated)
--verbose, -v Sets the output level (0-8)
--drivers List available drivers
--help, -h Display help text
--list-commands List available commands
--version Show program version
--options Show options for specified driver (or 'all')
--log Log filename (accepts stderr, stdout, stdlog, devnull as
special cases)
--logtiming Turn on timing for log messages

The following commands are available:
(PDAL Debug) Attempting to load plugin 'C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin\libpdal_plugin_kernel_fauxplugin.dll'.
(PDAL Debug) Loaded plugin 'C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin\libpdal_plugin_kernel_fauxplugin.dll'.
(PDAL Debug) Initialized plugin 'C:\dev\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin\libpdal_plugin_kernel_fauxplugin.dll'.

  • chamfer
  • delta
  • density
  • eval
  • fauxplugin
  • ground
  • hausdorff
  • info
  • merge
  • pipeline
  • random
  • sort
  • split
  • tile
  • tindex
  • translate

See http://pdal.io/apps/ for more detail
スクリーンショット 2024-01-05 130639

Are you using PDAL that was built with vcpkg or something? I have just tested PDAL with a clean environment on Windows 10 showing me that readers.e57 is active in my environment.

Thanks for your message.
Yes. Built with vcpkg.