PCFiL / tur-undupe


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#--[ Intro ]---------------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                    #
# Tur-Undupe. A script to let users undupe single files through irc. #
#                                                                    #
# I previously used eur0dance's public undupe, but it has a few      #
# shortcomings in that it dosnt specify if something went wrong or   #
# similar. Plus, this one is 100% standalone from your botscript.    #
#                                                                    #
# So I decided to make my own that checks if the files can be        #
# executed, if the dupefile can be written to and that the file was  #
# indeed unduped. It will also tell you who duped the undupe file    #
# and when.                                                          #
#                                                                    #
#--[ Install ]-------------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                    #
# Copy tur-undupe.sh to /glftpd/bin. Make it executable (chmod 755). #
#-                                                                  -#
# Copy tur-undupe.tcl to your bots scripts dir and load it in the    #
#  config file.                                                      #
#  If you previously used eur0dance's undupe script in your bot,     #
#  either remove that or just load this one AFTER the botscript.     #
#-                                                                  -#
# The most important part: The undupe binary in /glftpd/bin          #
# must be executed as root since the permissions on the dupefile     #
# changes. So, chmod +s /glftpd/bin/undupe                           #
# Also, make sure the undupe binary works for you. A number of       #
# glftpd distributions comes with an undupe binary that just doesn't #
# work. Run it from shell ( /glftpd/bin/undupe ) and it should give  #
# you the help text. If it does, fine. If not and its just a blank   #
# response, you'll need to recompile it from source:                 #
#  rm /glftpd/bin/undupe                                             #
#  cd /glftpd/bin/sources                                            #
#  gcc -o /glftpd/bin/undupe undupe.c                                #
# Remember to redo the permissions on the file.                      #
#                                                                    #
# If your linux distro dosnt support +s, you'll need to find a way   #
# so that the undupe binary is always executed as root (sudo etc).   #
#                                                                    #
# Errors like "unduping blabla - FAILED" means we cant write to the  #
# dupefile.                                                          #
#                                                                    #
#-                                                                  -#
# Change the settings below:                                         #
#                                                                    #
#--[ Settings ]------------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                    #
# undupe   = Path to the undupe binary. Comes with glftpd.           #
#                                                                    #
# dupelist = Path to the dupelist binary. Comes with glftpd.         #
#                                                                    #
#            NOTE: If you do not have glftpd.conf in /etc, you'll    #
#            need to edit dupelist.c and change the path manually.   #
#            if((fp = fopen("/etc/glftpd.conf", "r")) == NULL)       #
#                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        #
#            Then recomple the source:                               #
#            gcc -o /glftpd/bin/dupelist dupelist.c                  #
#                                                                    #
#            Run it from shell. Make sure it spits out a lot of      #
#            filenames.                                              #
#                                                                    #
# dupefile = Full path to the dupefile file.                         #
#                                                                    #
# glconf   = Full path to glftpd.conf                                #
#                                                                    #
# datebin  = We use some functions that requires 'date -d'. Not all  #
#            date binaries support that. FBSD users needs to         #
#            compile the sh-utils package and use the full path to   #
#            'gdate' here.                                           #
#            Otherwise, if date is in your path, leave this empty or #
#            specify full path it (Most people can leave it empty).  #
#                                                                    #
# header   = This will be the header or all output to irc.           #
#                                                                    #
#--[ Usage ]---------------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                    #
# The default trigger is !undupe <filename>.                         #
# No filename will result in a 'usage' text.                         #
# Only single files can be unduped for security reasons. No, * does  #
# not work.                                                          #
#                                                                    #
# If, when unduping, it says something like 12421Days, 9hours...     #
# then you probably have different times in glftpd and shell. The    #
# time inside glftpd needs to match that in the shell.               #
# Run 'site time' inside glftpd and check if thats the case. If it   #
# is, check the FAQ for glftpd for how to fix it.                    #
# Also see Changelog entry for version 1.1.                          #
#                                                                    #
#--[ Changelog ]-----------------------------------------------------#
#                                                                    #
# 1.2    : The undupe binary which comes with glftpd >2.05.1 doesn't #
#          allow -u and -f to be specified together. In fact -u is   #
#          NOT used to set the user who does the unduping. When -u   #
#          is given all files uploaded by this user are unduped.     #
#          The username and usersdir variables and all references to #
#          them are therefore removed.                               #
#                                                                    #
# 1.1    : Some glftpd systems seems to have problems writing the    #
#          correct upload time into the dupefile, making that a 0.   #
#          Actually, it seems the glftpds undupe binary sets some    #
#          files to 0 seconds. I'm not sure on when.                 #
#          This looks dumb when it says that something is 13388 days #
#          old at the time of the undupe.                            #
#          The fix is very advanced! If filetime is 0, do not even   #
#          try to calculate the age and dont display anything about  #
#          the age.                                                  #
#          WHO uploaded it will still be displayed.                  #
#                                                                    #
# 1.0.1  : Removed the check if we can write to the dupefile. It was #
#          not accurate since the undupe binary should run as root   #
#          but running the check if we could write to it was done by #
#          the user running the bot.                                 #
#                                                                    #
#          Changed the installation procedure above.                 #




Language:Shell 92.0%Language:Tcl 8.0%