P5-wrapper / react

A wrapper component that allows you to utilise P5 sketches within React apps.

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How do you include p5.sound?

vennsoh opened this issue · comments

Not sure the ethics of submitting an issue. (let me know!)
But since the previous one has been closed, instead of tagging on questions there, I thought I should create a new one.

@jamesrweb I'm trying to get this working, just want to understand the step-by-step way of getting this working.

  1. Do I need to first npm install --save @types/p5
  2. Can I just add import * as p5 from "p5" and import "p5/lib/addons/p5.sound" in my Sketch file and use it straightaway?

My code, following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HEgeAbYphA&feature=emb_logo

export default function sketch(p5) {
    p5.setup = () => {
        p5.createCanvas(400, 400)

        env = new p5.Envelope()
        env.setADSR(0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1)
        env.setRange(1.2, 0)

        wave = new p5.Oscillator()

I tried them and I get the errors saying:

Originally posted by @vennsoh in #11 (comment)

Will appreciate if someone could make a tiny demo to demonstrate how this bad boy could work. 🙏
Trying to get this to work by loading and playing a sound, https://p5js.org/examples/sound-load-and-play-sound.html

I can manage to import the library in but then all the functions/constructors can't be called.

I have a workaround that only works on function calls.
I added window.p5 = p5 after calling import * as p5 from "p5"

import * as ml5 from "ml5"
window.p5 = p5
import "p5/lib/addons/p5.sound"

Then I'll be able to use the p5.loadSound() function. However if I try to use new p5.Envelope() constructor it'll still throw me an error.

export default function sketch(p5) {
    p5.setup = () => {
        p5.createCanvas(400, 400)
        song = p5.loadSound(url("./assets/hurry.mp3")) // Will work
        env = new p5.Envelope() // Will error

Hi @vennsoh, sorry for the wait in reply, I can help you here for sure.

So actually what you did was correct, you have to have the import "p5/lib/addons/p5.sound"; statement. Since sound is an external library you add on to p5, it isn't exported by default from the p5 constructor you get given in the sketch function.

As for having to install p5 itself, that won't be necessary after the next version is eventually released to NPM as I fixed this in pull request #56 as a solution to issue #45.

Another thing: #42 brought up a similar question to this about how to use p5.Vector to and you can see the solution to using items like that here.

So, in short:

  1. If it is a p5 addon then you must import it
  2. If you can't find a constructor like p5.Vector, you can probably access it by using p5.constructor.[thing]

This is just because of how p5 itself is built and not a library issue although I agree it isn't ideal but kind of still makes sense I think overall since technically addons aren't part of the core library anyway so why should p5 include them by default which is the reason I guess they implemented things this way.

Lastly, a quick tip:

To view all available native constructors that are not addons you can run console.log({ constructors: { ...p5.constructor } });.

Hope all this helps and reach out again if you need further support, happy to help!

Omg, you're a godsend to this community! Thanks!
By just changing p5.Envelope() --> p5.constructor.Envelope() has fixed my problem.

Although there's another problem with a recent Chrome update that requires getAudioContext() but it's well documented here how to fix that, https://github.com/processing/p5.js-sound/issues/249
Using this: https://p5js.org/reference/#/p5/userStartAudio

Can I seek more clarification on this line of sentence?
"As for having to install p5 itself, that won't be necessary after the next version is eventually released to NPM as I fixed this in pull request #56 as a solution to issue #45."

Do we mean:

  • With react-p5-wrapper, if I want to use p5.sound in the future, I don't need to install p5 separately?

Also why do we need window.p5 = p5 for this to work? Can someone educate me?

Can I seek more clarification on this line of sentence?
"As for having to install p5 itself, that won't be necessary after the next version is eventually released to NPM as I fixed this in pull request #56 as a solution to issue #45."

Do we mean:

  • With react-p5-wrapper, if I want to use p5.sound in the future, I don't need to install p5 separately?

Exactly, p5 will be included as a dependency once the next version of this library is released on NPM. Sadly I can't say when exactly that will be but I would assume in the coming quarter if I had to guess. It does mean though that you shouldn't have to manually install p5.

What do you mean about the window.p5 part? I don't understand why you would have to do that.

Thanks @jamesrweb hm, weirdly if comment out window.p5 = p5 then I'll get this error.
I learn about this hack from this thread: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39693208/using-p5-sound-js-in-instance-mode-p5-amplitude-not-a-constructor/44727829#44727829

Someone responded to how I can avoid doing window.p5 = p5 but I still get an error.

import * as P5Class from "p5"
window.p5 = P5Class // I need this otherwise it throws an error
import "p5/lib/addons/p5.sound"

export default function sketch(p5) {
    p5.setup = () => {
        p5.createCanvas(400, 400)
        let env = new p5.constructor.Envelope()


Why do you need to do this in the first place? You get access to p5 as the parameter to your sketch function. Can you explain?

I'm using Framer to do my prototype so I wonder if this is a Framer thing where to add something on top that's causing me needing this workaround.

I created a Framer prototype that demonstrate this. https://framer.com/projects/ml5-neuralNetwork--sPis0uXjFNsgMa1VcxMD-ikuQ0 (You need to register a free framer account to see the code + preview the prototype in browser.

I tried to create a codesandbox to demonstrate the issue too to make it easier.

But then now I'm getting this issue? My code is working fine if I don't need to import p5.sound but once I did it, it throw an error. Might be a webpack thing that comes with Codesandbox default template, not sure.

@vennsoh, Can you share your code for that project and / or file?

Wait, have you tried running npm install or deleting your node_modules folder and reinstalling dependencies because for some reason your codesandbox example is attempting to import from the @types package and not p5 itself 🤔...

@vennsoh, Can you share your code for that project and / or file?

Yup the 2 links I have posted above are the code.
Framer: https://framer.com/projects/ml5-neuralNetwork--sPis0uXjFNsgMa1VcxMD-ikuQ0 (working)
Codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigorous-lamarr-px8fs?file=/src/Sketch.js (error out)

And yes, I did try your suggestion of removing node_modules. And npm install again, I still need to use my workaround otherwise I get errors. For my Framer example that is working...

I need to have:

  • window:p5 = p5 and need to have it right after import * as P5Class from "p5"
import * as P5Class from "p5"
window.p5 = P5Class
import "p5/lib/addons/p5.sound"
  • Then if I want to access the constructor of the p5.sound, I need to use, .constructor like env = new p5.constructor.Envelope()

It has to be the compile step configuration then. Only thing it could be honestly because p5 is installed (i checked), it is clearly not bundling the sound addon properly for some reason in this case. Sorry I can't be more help on this one.

For further issues, please raise a new issue though!