P-Shakibafar / poll

Poll package for Laravel

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Poll Package for Laravel 5.5


Run composer require 'abstracteverything/poll'

OR add:

    "require": {
        "abstracteverything/poll": "dev-master"

to your composer.json file and run composer update.


Add AbstractEverything\Poll\PollServiceProvider to your providers array in config/app.php.

Optionally register the following two facades in config/app.php:

  • 'Poll' => AbstractEverything\Poll\Facades\Poll::class,
  • 'Vote' => AbstractEverything\Poll\Facades\Vote::class,

Publishing assets

To publish package assets run: php artisan vendor:publish and choose AbstractEverything\Poll\PollServiceProvider this will publish the following files:

  • Views to: resources/vendor/abstracteverything/poll
  • Config to: config/poll.php
  • Migrations to database/migrations

Run the database migrations by running php artisan migrate

Setting up the poll user

The user class needs to implement the AbstractEverything\Poll\Extras\PollUserInterface interface and use the AbstractEverything\Poll\Extras\PollUser trait.

Overriding default routes

The package ships with a default set of routes:

  • /polls - polls.index (GET)
  • /polls - polls.store (POST)
  • /polls/create - polls.create (GET)
  • /polls/{poll} - polls.show (GET)
  • /polls/{poll} - polls.destroy (GET)
  • /votes - votes.store (POST)

You can override these by redefining a route with the same name:

Route::get('custom_create_page', [
    'as' => 'polls.create',
    'uses' => '\AbstractEverything\Poll\Http\Controllers\PollController@create',

Middleware configuration

Routes for creating, destroying polls can be protected by middleware. In config/poll.php you can set which middleware should be used.


Other configuration options are avaliable in config/poll.php.


Poll package for Laravel


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