Owmacohe / Vehementia

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Playtest Feedback - Percy

PercyNguyen7 opened this issue · comments

Quite amusing and tidy, Owen! Impressive amount of work under such time constraints!

Is the game too jarring when transitioning between the “calm” and “violent” sections?

I do find the transitioning of the visual to be a bit abrupt with the new section. Perhaps some sort of door or portal that introduces to the new environment, or if time permits you could create a intermediate zone which gives hints and foreshadows the horrors that lie ahead.

Neat 2d pixel arts btw!

Does the music transition well?

I really like the repeating, alarming beats that anticipates action! It helps with the sudden environment change!

How does the combat feel? Rewarding? Impactful?

The short successions of left mouse click is fun at first but could get tiring. If you plan on making this into a full length game, adding new ability would definitely make this much more interesting and engaging.
As enemies don't necessarily die with a stab, I assume each type of enemy has their own respective HP that the player must deduct by 1 with their single spear stab. It is pretty funny seeing them being thrown away with a stab, although it is contradicting with the purpose of the spear which is to stab through them.

The jumping unfortunately doesn't help too much in combat though as you can not jump over the enemies. So perhaps give them players a rewarding opportunity to jump would be nice!

Is the game too difficult? (also curious what high score playtesters were able to get)

I think its not too difficult, best strategy is spamming left click and don't move too fast.
I got around 220 and I was trying to figure out if there was any ending!

Are the sound effects (e.g. monster sounds, voice lines) integrated well?

I absolutely LOVE the voice lines, feel quite professional and humorous. The monster sounds although do sound silly, it fits in with the overall sound design of the game. Big thumbs up for the sound effects and tracks!

Should the game have more narrative? Less?

I would encourage you to add more narrative for sure! Perhaps the whole narrative is slowly unveiling like in Hollow Knight! I wonder what are these truths for and where do these demons come from, which master do they serve, why is there a wall of fire/hell behind me?