OwlCarousel2 / OwlCarousel2

DEPRECATED jQuery Responsive Carousel.

Home Page:http://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/

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Swiping interferes with the animation.

AbdKayali3 opened this issue · comments

Swiping interferes with the animation.

When the carousel is in the process of changing images with an animation, and a left or right swipe is simultaneously performed, it results in an interference that can cause the carousel to appear buggy.

Basically, the swiping is sometimes 'not smooth' or 'buggy' when we have animation on the carousel.

How to replicate?

  1. Set up OwlCarousel as follows
  responsiveClass: true,
  items: 1,
  loop: true,
  nav: false,
  dots: false,
  autoplay: true,
  autoplayTimeout: 3000,
  smartSpeed: 500,
  animateOut: "fadeOut",
  1. .owl-carousel is the Id of the carousel that holds all the items inside.
  2. Run your code and keep swiping left (or right). You will notice that the transition will be buggy when the carousel wants to change the image with a specific animation while you are swiping.

Test case

To quickly test the issue, you can follow the next CodePen link

Related information

From this issue#930, it is understood that the maintainers of OwlCarousel have no plans to modify the swipe functionality with custom animations. However, the concern raised here is not about altering the swipe functionality, but rather about addressing the issue of animation appearing buggy during a user’s swipe action.