OvermindDL1 / bucklescript-tea

TEA for Bucklescript

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Router Support (SPA)

WolfDan opened this issue · comments

Elm have support for SPA, it can be creat if bucklescript does the same

Basically is give support to a Router (and SSR as complement)

What would you expect of support for a router? I don't see why you couldn't pick a js router and use that one in your project or use bindings to the html5 history api?

Is more related to the SSR side (as I understand to do this correctly you need to parse the routes too, correct me if I'm wrong)

Also the Tea.Navigation module can already control and respond to route changes, it is Elm's version of a router and it's API is duplicated here. It contains the primitives so you can easily build a more powerful one as well. :-)

So, doesn't this already exist?

Oh my fault! I didn't notice it (I was checking all from the examples so I thought it was not implemented)

I think the library need documentation and more examples ^^

I'll close the issue :)

Hah, awesome. Yeah it was a common Elm function that I needed for my own work, hence why it was added in early. ^.^

And yes, docs are needed, though for now you can use Elm docs, it is almost identical (API should be about the same, syntax is just OCaml'y, which is barely different from Elm ^.^). :-)